Thursday, April 11All That Matters

Start em early

Start em early

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  • Charles-Headlee

    Not sure if I agree with introducing a pre toddler to the greatest moment of the franchise. Start them with baby food – the holiday special, the cartoons with Boba Fett, old Lego games on an XBox 360, and The Phantom Menace. Introduce them to Empire when they turn 16 or 18 or 21 or something.

  • donutsinthebreakroom

    I personally didn’t want my kids first Star Wars experience being the George Lucas remakes of the original trilogy. I wanted them to see the theatrical releases, the same ones we grew up on and loved. Since they don’t exist on digital, and it sounds like they might never be officially released, it got to the point where I was going to borrow a VCR from a friend and bust out the old tapes. Not ideal, but better than seeing Greedo shoot first, or that stupid Hayden Christensen ghost at the end of Jedi, not to mention all the other crazy changes he made and never gave us the ability to choose whether we wanted to watch them or not. Then I found out about the Harmy Despecialized versions. Very well done, mostly Blu Ray quality, and as close to the the theatrical versions as you can get on digital. At least they were when I discovered them right before The Force Awakens. If you’re interested in seeing the original trilogy in nice high def versions the way we saw them in the theater, check it out. If I remember correctly there was a little bit of merging files to get them all together, but it wasn’t hard. I can’t remember if they are MKV files or ISO, but they play on many devices. I keep the files on a thumb drive in case I meet a fellow nerd that wants to copy them.

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