Monday, April 15All That Matters

Showcase of an app that combines multiplayer gaming with language learning, high hopes for this as ive struggled trying and failing to learn a language repeatedly due to how boring it gets.

Showcase of an app that combines multiplayer gaming with language learning, high hopes for this as ive struggled trying and failing to learn a language repeatedly due to how boring it gets.

View Reddit by Plus_Educator7136View Source


  • Plus_Educator7136

    P.S I’d like to point out that i’m nowhere near being the owner/creator of this. I’m just a volunteer sound designer. I don’t want any of the credit for this

    EDIT: For anyone wanting to know about ikenna. He doesn’t talk about it in the video but he developed this app while bedridden for four years due to an illness called POTS. The journey here was wild and im really excited to see how it goes.

  • Pojelly

    Been trying to learn Spanish… the staleness of Duo Lingo has caused my short out multiple times… hoping something like this works better

  • AcceptableAd6385

    Do they have a wide variety of languages available? I’m trying to learn some less-common ones like Finnish and Swahili, and I’m struggling to find good resources.

  • Smoothlywhine73

    the chat rooms sound like a great way to practice speaking with native speakers. I’ve always been too shy to join language exchange meetups, but this seems like a comfortable alternative.

  • gutturalpathos336

    I’ve tried so many language apps in the past, but none of them have really stuck with me. Hoping this one is different

  • carrot-man

    I like the concept but it’s too expensive right now. Maybe if the price drops at some point I’ll give it a try.

  • asphericInga864

    I’ve heard of Ikenna before from his vrchat videos. He’s a great polyglot, so I’m curious to see how his approach translates to an app. Has anyone tried it yet? Would love to hear some firsthand experiences.

  • Bunchyptloris791

    as someone who’s tried and failed to learn multiple languages, I’m cautiously optimistic about this app. I hope it lives up to the hype! 🤞

  • wildDispatch695

    The multiplayer aspect sounds fun! Does it have a good matchmaking system for pairing people with similar language levels? It’d be great to practice with someone at the same level as me.

  • Outside_Weather_9138

    ikennas app sounds promising, but I’ve been burned by language learning apps before. hpefully this one can break the cycle and actually help me learn a new language for real.

  • BenySLO

    If the game aspect will be too fun I just imagine the top players on the ladder will be native speaking people because they like the game.

  • s3r4ph1m

    You fail to learn a language because deep inside you know you won’t need to.

    Unless you can convince yourself there is a practical need for the skill that you will need to employ in the future, you won’t waste the mental space.

    If you want to learn another language it should be because you need to use it to converse with someone you want to communicate with. That way it won’t take effort.

  • Difficult-Guide9501

    He wants people to pay … when we can use free translator using AI. Tell the people to talk into a phone and let the AI translate and viceversa when giving an answer.

  • BaronVonLazercorn

    If you want to learn a language, find a way to interact with native speakers. Join a Discord or something where native speakers will help you learn.

    A game or app like Duolingo is only going to get you so far. Immersion is the only way to learn.

  • Mycide

    I thought this sounded cool, until I noticed the subscription. I wouldn’t mind buying the app outright, but monthly fees are not for me (and i have received nothing from too many kickstarters to do the $479 option). Sounds cool though.


    Looks shit. Sorry. Why not try some AI thing like a real persons face (attractive spanish woman) talking to you, listening to your accent, having a real conversation (in the morning, evening, lets get lunch etc). No using English or a tiny minimum.

    Please try harder.

  • Noble_Persuit

    100% an advertisement for this guys kickstarter. Content like this needs to be banned. It provides no value to the community and is just a way for shit products like this to advertise themselves without paying reddit, because they can’t afford to. Mods, wake up.

  • DiddlyDanq

    dude’s begging for money while in a big ass house. It deviates too much from languages into gaming, which is what’s going to eat most of the costs. I find that the micheal thomas method is generally good enough for learning.

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