Friday, June 14All That Matters

Reckless Mom Flees Deputies at High Speed with 5 Kids in Her Backseat

Reckless Mom Flees Deputies at High Speed with 5 Kids in Her Backseat

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  • WhereGrapesMayRule

    Then gets pushed off the road by reckless deputies. They could have killed those kids. By that I mean the mom and the deputies.

  • alabasterwilliams

    And the mother fucker in a reflective hoodie tries to run.

    #You fucking plebeian, you’re quite literally doing it wrong.

  • shankster1987

    It is funny how most of the comments thing that it was bad that the cops crashed a car full of kids and all those comments are being down voted super aggressively. I have never seen a post where most of the comments had negative votes. Are there bots out there that download comments that are critical of the police?

  • bikesexually

    Cop literally has the women on video and the cars plate. No reason to pursue except they don’t want to do the follow up or got a hard on at the idea there might be drugs in the car.

  • skinte1

    How can US police be this retarded? Seriously. They have her on camera. They have the license plate and car on camera. Just back of and arrest her later like they do in civilized countries.

  • ThePrinceOfJapan

    It’s just like the Cop said in the very beginning of the video, “If you do this, thats the worst decision you’ve ever made.”

    Most of the risk of endangerment is on the getaway driver, not the cop for his pit maneuver. Cops HAVE to persue you, what else are they gonna do? Just let you drive away? Then what would even be the point of pulling someone over?

  • k2t-17

    The 2 cars that spun out or the others that were hit had their lives risked, promise they’d be fine with them getting arrested at home in 5 hours rather than being involved.

  • otasyn

    ITT: There are a lot of people that seem to think that this woman is rational enough to go home and wait patiently for the police to come get her.

    Maybe that’s why she left. She just wanted to get the process moving. The police were too stupid to realize that she was helping them out. Didn’t anyone hear the audio where she clearly told the officer, “I’ll meet you at my house,” before she cautiously pulled away. Dumb cops. You know that they have no obligation to protect anyone, right? /s

    If you can’t think rationally, please don’t comment. You just make yourself look stupid.

  • Available-Sky-8191

    That MF’er in the passenger seat said, ‘pull off’ he told her to drive away her dumb fuckin ass did just that. And from what one of the kids (one of the little boys) says to the cop, ‘that’s my sister’s phone’. Regardless those two dumbass ‘supposed adults’ deserve everything they get!

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