Saturday, July 27All That Matters

[OC]Watching her with the machine it was suddenly clear. In an insane world it was the sanest choice

[OC]Watching her with the machine it was suddenly clear. In an insane world it was the sanest choice

[OC]Watching her with the machine it was suddenly clear. In an insane world it was the sanest choice

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  • Taurius

    One of the few memories I have as a toddler is loving being rocked in my crib while I tried to sleep and crying when the rocking stopped. These things would have rocked my world as a baby. The simulation of being still inside the amniotic fluid by these things is the perfect therapy for crying babies. A lot of literal growing pains as a baby, especially in the spine and intestines. The rocking motions can help relieve some of the pressures caused by nerves being pinched in those areas. It’s just too bad the machine can’t let the baby lie on his belly. Lying on his back constantly is no beuno even with the rocker.

  • Kasperske

    *It would always be there. And it would die, to protect him. Of all the would-be fathers who came and went over the years, this thing, this machine, was the only one who measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice.*

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