Thursday, May 9All That Matters

I’d be more than willing to pay good money to see Kratos kick Set’s arse

I’d be more than willing to pay good money to see Kratos kick Set’s arse

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  • milkarcane

    I don’t know.

    Egyptian gods don’t look like beings fed with testosterone bottles. They’re more of the spiritual and wise kind imo, which is in contradiction with the kind of the enemies Kratos usually fights.

    Greek and Nordic gods were perfect for him as they usually are literally mountains of muscle known for their fighting skills somehow. In people’s mind, it’s not rare to see Zeus depicted as a muscled old man with lightning bolts in his hands. However, I can’t think of any Egyptian god fitting this kind of description.

    That said, it would be interesting to see how devs would handle this kind of contrast.

  • Ahfrodisiac

    So we just gonna forget they hint at this possibility in GoW 2018 with the mural that has Greek, Celtic, Egyptian, and Shinto symbols on them?

  • frozenwaffle549

    This comes from a guy who has enjoyed every god of War game, but it’s time to let him go. His story has done a 180. I would hate this franchise to turn into whatever Assassin’s Creed is.

  • TheNaug

    Good chance of this being the setting for the next game. IIRC, this was the first place they went to when developing GoW4 before pivoting to norse mythology.

  • Kvovark

    Given he was in viking times last we saw him (100s if not 1000s of years after worship of the Egyptian gods died out) would be funnier to have Kratos go up against the new god on the block. The big man himself Jesus Christ.

  • Sunskimmeraroo

    I want in my heart for Kratos’ story to be complete. Let’s move on to Atreus and have him mosey around Egypt and China. Maybe kill a few gods along the way 👉👈

  • Alizendir

    If there’s another game, leave Kratos behind. Move on to another protagonist while keeping the theme. His personal story is finished.

  • SweetPuffDaddy

    There was comic set between GoW3 and GoW2018 where Kratos went to Egypt. So it’s possible they could do a pre-sequel game. Personally I think they should leave God of War for the time being and focus on the new IP they’re working on. I think the God of War story is in a perfect spot to leave it alone and focus on new games

  • WorldEaterYoshi

    My theory is that Kratos is going to become the new God of Asgaard, relations with Egypt are going to get tense when they find Atreus in their realm, so either Kratos is going to go apeshit and meet him there, or the Egyptian gods are going to come to Asgaard and start a war they can’t win.

  • Seanchai-1

    As someone from Ireland, I’m hoping to see the series go to Ireland. Not just because of Celtic mythology, but there’s a lot of wiggle room for crossover between Norse, Germanic and Roman deities having a role within the larger Gaelic mythos.

  • dantheman250

    No way it will ever happen but it would be awesome if they did a Jewish/Christian one. You could fight Noah on an ark, go in a whale to beat up Jonah, fight archangels and the angels that are a bunch of eyes, go to Hell and fight Satan, they could even replicate the Thor tease at the end of GoW 18 with Jesus.

  • SkySweeper656

    I still believe itll happen. The mural at the end of ragnarok hinted at more to kratos’s story, and the style of it looked distinctly egyptian to me, like hyroglyphic.

  • Wraith_Rayne1369

    This is the god of war i need, kratos and his battles in this pantheon of gods would truly make for some amazing battles and just the whole thing would feel amazing

  • yycgonewild

    I’d prefer to see how a fight between Horus and Kratos would go. Horus is a defender of the people, and also defeated Set in combat for the murder of his father, Osiris. He’s also arguably the most famous of all the Gods of Egypt, his influence having an impact on the culture of Egypt today even today.

    I think Horus would be Kratos’ greatest challenge to date, as his first mention was the late Old Kingdom (2686-2181BCE) in the Pyramid Texts, which means he has some gains under his belt.

    Personally, I think Horus would stomp Kratos. That’s just my opinion though.

  • BoreusSimius

    I remember just after the release of Ragnarok, I was scrolling through TikTok and saw what turned out to be a fan made trailer for a hypothetical Egyptian God of War game. I attempted to scroll away quickly but saw a few seconds. I was convinced that I had the game’s post-credits scene ruined for me until I beat the game and saw it wasn’t there 😂

  • ADeadlyFerret

    Honestly I’m tired of the Egyptian and Greek gods. Would love to see pantheons of other cultures. Maybe something from the Americas or the Pacific?

  • pharoahciouss

    I think the series should end, or at least move on from Kratos as the protagonist. The consequence of the entertainment behind developing his character towards a mature, wise and peaceful god is that you’ve killed the entire appeal of the character. I just can’t see him violently killing gods anymore, and im not sure if I wanna play a god of war game without that lol. Besides, the game director has heavily hinted that the next era will be heading to China.

  • AussieAspie682

    I would *love* to see Kratos curbstomp every pantheon of so-called “gods”, and I do mean ***EVERY*** pantheon! Yes, even (and especially) the monotheistic ones!!

  • blue4029

    egyptian is most likely to be the next pantheon kratos goes after once he kills the norse pantheon.

    although i would LOVE a mayan god of war game. god, imagine kratos going after the mayan gods…

  • inchon_over28

    This better not happen. As bitter as it is, the series is closed and for the better. Yes there are some unanswered questions but it’s okay. Every story has holes or a lack of clarity somewhere. I’d be disappointed if they continued the story.

  • Jitbitless

    Well, it would be cool to get 1-2 more parts about indian gods and Jesus. As a slav, I would like to see the battle with Perun, but this is so dream.

  • SharpPixels08

    Fuck it just have Kratos go to that citadel of gods from Thor love and thunder so he can kick the shit out of everyone no matter the mythos

  • write-program

    Sad to see all these comments foaming at the mouth to see this franchise turned into Assassin’s Creed.

    Ubisoft has done this, turns out copy pasting the same game into different time periods doesn’t make for a better game or more compelling story.

  • OmegaOcelotOk

    I feel like they should retire Kratos if they make a new gow. His story was perfectly told, and seeing him become rageful again would be weird. It should be Atraus, at least for the next trilogy

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