Monday, April 15All That Matters

How bad is it to work at Homedepot.

How bad is it to work at Homedepot.

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  • greenday0135

    As a reward for going 30 days without a workplace incident, we are throwing a pizza party. PT employees will not need to clock out for their 15 minute break, however, they will need to find their own coverage for the department they are in. We also only bought 3 pizzas for the entire staff, so first come first serve.

  • greenday0135

    A co worker of yours told me they saw you walk by a customer without giving the proper greeting. Care to explain?

  • SuddenCompetition262

    I think it depends a lot on the management, I used to work at one and it was fine except our manager was a bit of a twat, which made a lot of people miserable (and partly why I left). Had a friend who worked at a different location and the manager there was a solid guy, people generally seemed pretty happy there.

  • Melkath

    I dont know about how it is for sales, but it is pretty fucking horrible for cashiers.

    Management are full bore slave drivers. A large portion of your job is to try to keep all the meth-heads from bringing in stolen stuff to return or making it out with more stuff than they pay for.

    Also, think about the loose hardware aisle. Think of all the different loose screws, washers, and nuts that are sold by the piece. Most of them are not marked with their code, and your manager is not going to keep you around for long if you don’t learn all of those codes by memory.

    If you make friends with the returns desk cashier, though, you get the line on all of the items that go into clearance. I have gotten some really nice stuff for less than a nickle because they do that a lot.

    Anecdotally my worst experience: When someone used a shop vac to vacuum out a hole they dug in the ground to use as their toilet for a contractor gig that didnt let them use the inside toilet on, duct taped it closed, and returned it. Despite my protests, I was made to issue the refund and then I was made to cut it open to figure out why it was duct taped like that.

  • timelydogood

    Tuition reimbursement, if you graduate because we constantly schedule you during school hours and make your life hell because work comes first right?

  • secretlyacow

    I worked at Home Depot for a while years back and actually enjoyed it. Had good managers and good coworkers and we all tried to do our best.
    I had all my forklift licenses so spent a lot of time helping out other departments which was nice because 1. I didn’t have to deal with your customers then and 2. You get a reputation for being helpful and coworkers like you more.
    Wouldn’t be a job I’d want to have now but at the time it suited me pretty well. Also running the big saw was a blast

  • Olbaidon

    Former employee of 7 years.

    It wasn’t as bad as some would say, but I wouldn’t go back unless I was on the verge of homelessness.

    Typical retail, management thinks they’re gods gift to man, and the customers think they’re god themselves.

  • HellAwaitsTheFunny

    You’re at Home Depot. You’ve got a few good coworkers that move stuff and a few old guys who might not haul but they know shit and you can punt customers their way with questions. Your manager is a bit of a dick but you don’t need permission to go on break. There’s an old guy who is super nice if not super helpful. He makes a good company face so he’s always by the front door.

    Then the big c-19 hits and everything goes to shit for awhile. People still need stuff but a few of your guys quit for a handful of differing reasons. Supply chains are fucked and your shelves look like the day after a closeout sale.

    You’re half staffed, people are coming in and trying to make political stances while you try to enforce store policies. Your manager won’t come out because he fears the virus so he needs you to do his stuff while you’re out there (because YOU can get sick I guess).

    Then things start to calm down a little. Supply chains relax. You see a little life breathe back into the store. Except… the coworkers aren’t coming back. Manager says they had to cut the positions to keep above water since the c-19. Three years? Three years and they’re still leveling their margin? All the shelves are stocked again. The people are back. Fuck is going on? You’re doing twice the work at the same pay. Got two people stocking, one guy in appliances, two checkout registers and a line out the ass for your 8 self checkout stations.

    How bad is this company hurting that they can’t afford to rehire people they already had before?

    That’s when your coworker gives you a dose of reality. She shows you her phone which is on a website for CEO salary trends. Ol’ Craig Menear was making 8 digits before the virus, and his comp went UP significantly in those three years. Now he’s retiring, having made more money in that same time period than you would see if you stored every dollar for four generations. I’m sure the new guy will be better.

    Come join the family!

  • WntrTmpst

    My brother started on the floor and made it all the way to corporate and now works in an office and has an existential crisis almost every day about how little those under him make. Take that for what you will

  • jetsrule87

    Place sucks and very against unions half the first day hire program is how unions would be bad for you and just get in the way of you and your bosses lol

  • Cbennett3395

    Your knees will hurt if you don’t get good insoles. But the ESPP is good. I worked for Home Depot in college for a couple years making $9.25 (in 2011ish) if I remember right. I maxed out the ESPP and it covered the down payment on my first home, I think I got the stocks at a 40% discount.

  • Geek_King

    That’s the face of a person who can see the gun aimed at them off camera.

    “Smile god damn it, or so help me…”

  • VG88

    “What do you think of this one, Jim?”

    “Dude … she’s literally crying.”

    “She’s the happiest employee we could find.”

    “… Well shit. Just digitally remove the tears, then.”

  • Spartan2842

    It’s perfect for the right person.

    My cousin has development issues (mom did drugs while pregnant) and only had a high school diploma. He’s been full time at Home Depot for 8 years now. He has his fork lift certification, accrues PTO, 401K. They even give him a turkey every thanksgiving to take home for family.

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