Monday, July 1All That Matters

Bob Munden the quickest Fast Draw that ever lived. He was recorded shooting .16 of a second in an event called Walk and Draw Level.

Bob Munden the quickest Fast Draw that ever lived. He was recorded shooting .16 of a second in an event called Walk and Draw Level.

Bob Munden the quickest Fast Draw that ever lived. He was recorded shooting .16 of a second in an event called Walk and Draw Level. from sports

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  • CronozDK

    “Do you need a count?”



    *Takes off hat. Looks at two bloody exit holes in the back of it. *

    “Well…that ain’t good!”


    This is the equivalent to that meme where someone slightly unsheaths a sword and closes it again quickly and then the thing infront of them is cut in half.

  • Draviddavid

    “You cocky motherfucker, speed of light, fastest thing a human can do. Sure buddy.”

    *Video ends*

    “There should be more men so humble on this earth.”

  • Bikewer

    Although Munden was remarkable, I was never particularly impressed. For a number of reasons that are not likely to be apparent to non-shooters.

    First, he used a “holster” that the revolver almost “lay” in rather than in the manner of a normal holster. Second, the weapon was modified with an enlarged hammer for the “fanning” style that he used. Finally, much of this shooting was “balloon busting” with blanks, with little accuracy required.

    So the entire effort is engineered to take the least amount of time, and is hardly a practical rig.

    In contrast….. The late Chief Border Patrol inspector Bill Jordan, using a standard police revolver and a standard police “Border Patrol” type holster, was able to draw, fire, and hit the K-zone of a 7-yard standard Silhouette target in .27 seconds…. Including reaction time.

    That’s only marginally less time than Mr. Munden, with a rig that police officers used normally, and required an actual hit on the target with live ammunition.

  • youdoitimbusy

    At first, I’m like, this dude does talk a lot of shit. Speed of light my ass.

    2 seconds later: I retract my previous statement and would like to apologize. I’m not accustomed to people who talk shit actually being able to back it up on the spot. I bid you good day sir.

  • NotTooDeep

    Fun fact: he came to our high school in the late 60’s and did a demo. My basketball teammates volunteered me to draw against him.

    Blanks shooting at a ‘target’ that was just a box that would turn on a red light bulb when the shock wave hit it. He could draw, fire, and reholster his pistol before the hammer on my pistol struck the primer. To be clear, I was just holding my pistol at arm’s length, already cocked and aimed. We were on opposite sides of the basketball court with the target in the middle.

    After three tries, he let me get half way closer to the target. It didn’t help. I lost every round.

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