For those amazed by the artistry of this and the other posters and marketing material released for this film–
Before he made feature films, Ridley Scott worked in advertising and marketing and continues to make commercials to this day. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some, if not all of the input into Fox’s marketing of ALIEN: Covenant.
He may have even designed the poster himself. He is a skilled sketch artist and is known for sharing designs with the concept artists on his films and drawing the storyboards for his scenes himself.
Please dont suck, please dont be generic plot, please explain who are the engineer and how are the aliens and humanity created without the involvement of the Predators.
Crazy galactic space orgy’s. Count me in.
Eugh that’s disturbing…I love it.
Loving the Giger vibe! And is that a Queen I see on the right??
whoever has been making these posters deserves a raise
Am i seeing something that looks like a queen ?
Reminds of the classical illustrations of Hell, with pits of writhing bodies
Love the grotesque style. Totally something you could see carved on the walls of a European cathedral.
Xenomorph, face hugger, engineer, the whole crew is here and I’m definitely on board with this movie.
It looks like something HR Giger would paint. I love it.
Can anyone make it textless? I want to use it as my phone wallpaper. Absolutely love it!
This is unsettling
I really like how each poster reveals more and more, Fox’s marketing team has been on fire with this and Logan lately.
The top of the poster almost looks like the head of a queen alien.
The more I rewatch Prometheus, the more I want to see of the Engineers. If Elizabeth Shaw is going to be in it then I hope they are too.
Makes an awesome phone background, here it is CLEAN if anyone is interested:
This is evocative of HR Giger’s work on Alien on a very impressive level.
If someone could go ahead and sculpt me a large 3D version for my bedroom wall, that’d be great, mmmk?
I’m actually more interested in them engineers. Alien things I know. They’re ugly. They’re deadly. They kill.
Engineers, well. They’re tall, they’re mysterious. And they’re magnificent as fuck.
This is the first poster in a long time that I’ve wanted to own a copy of and hang on my wall. It’s gorgeous.
For those amazed by the artistry of this and the other posters and marketing material released for this film–
Before he made feature films, Ridley Scott worked in advertising and marketing and continues to make commercials to this day. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some, if not all of the input into Fox’s marketing of ALIEN: Covenant.
He may have even designed the poster himself. He is a skilled sketch artist and is known for sharing designs with the concept artists on his films and drawing the storyboards for his scenes himself.
[Two hand-drawn storyboards by Ridley Scott for the original ALIEN](
Please dont suck, please dont be generic plot, please explain who are the engineer and how are the aliens and humanity created without the involvement of the Predators.
just wanted to recommend that everyone give Alien Isolation a shot.. the whole collection was on sale for $9 last week. here’s the next lowest price–1096-10?ref=itad
very good game. NOTE: unless you’re a die-hard alien fan you can get the game itself and skip the DLC
edit: forget the link I provided yesterday, here’s the whole pack for $12
It’s like Giger made sweet sweet love with Rodin:
Reminds me of the [Gates of Hell](×750/Rodin-The-Gates-of-Hell.jpg) by Rodin