Wednesday, May 8All That Matters

Young People

Young People

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  • But_a_Jape

    Every now and then, I see people complain about the Zoomers and think, “Why are full grown adults so mad about literal children?” And then I remember how old the Zoomers are now. And how old I’ve *been*.

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  • TesterM0nkey

    It’s like the old people are the stupid ones expecting 16-17 year olds to get smarter as time progresses. Not having a fully formed brain will do that.

    It’s not like we were all young and dumb at some point. People need some perspective

  • Dreilala

    I actually really enjoy talking to the actual young people.

    I often think they happen to be way smarter than kids were back when I was young and also way more aware of why they are doing things.

  • Ghostblade3000

    30 is not young though, 20 is young. Why are some people just afraid of being old, I had a teacher once who never wanted to admit that they were old. It was eventually getting kind of sad

  • djgrahamj

    Younger people think older people are the past because they lived in earlier times. Older people think younger people are the past because they were once that age.

    People like to think they’ve progressed so they compare themselves to the other group. It’s natural but ultimately harmful because it hinders learning from them.

  • Fun-Outlandishness35

    Anyone who unironically says “kids these days aren’t as smart” instantly reveals themselves to be the dumbest person in the room.

    “Kids these days aren’t as good as when I grew up” is what every old person has said for thousands of years, yet the next generation is always more advanced than the last.

  • littleMAS

    Young people are really ignorant about being old people, which old people might ignorantly assume is stupidity. Much of what I know might be completely useless to a teenager until they get old, but they have plenty of time to learn that.

  • megapuffranger

    Young people are dumb as shit. But that’s because they are young. It’s our job to create an environment where they can learn and grow and lead better lives than we did. But unfortunately a certain generation has made that impossible for everyone else.

  • YNot1989

    Except the anchors bad mouthing “young people” are now in their 70s and they don’t see the difference between Millennials and Gen Z.

  • Quadpolygon

    Tbf they don’t say young people they say millennials when they mean to say (usually unjustifiably) Gez Z or other gens.

  • Captcha_Imagination

    Millenials starts in 1981. So there are 41-year-old millennials who are still being told they can’t afford housing because they buy avocadoes at Starbucks.

  • Sega-Playstation-64

    Millenial: I will never treat Gen Z the way Boomers treated us millennials.

    Gen Z: Why did you type lol? It’s 💀 now. Your jeans look funny. You’re supposed to part your hair down the middle. TikTok for life, it will never get old.

    Millenial: … Look here you little shit.

  • Magnusg

    The problem is the media had been using “millennial” to refer to nearly everyone under the age of 36 for about 3 decades.

    Like bruh, millennials did not eat tide pods. That wasn’t us.

  • Kingkongcrapper

    I was listening to the New York Times Podcast this morning about how inflation is affecting different age groups and he just lumped everyone between 30-50 as middle aged. I was just like, damn. Then I thought, well maybe I’m not really middle aged by description and he went on to describe my situation clearly. Double damn.

  • CA_Orange

    Seriously, millennials are entitled as fuck. You don’t own being stupid, millennials. We’re talking about the zoomers, now. They are way worse than you ever were.

  • TikkiTakiTomtom

    Can’t we all just agree that everyone is dumb as fuck? Only a few is less smooth brained than others

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