Monday, April 8All That Matters

Willow | Official Teaser Trailer | Disney+

Willow | Official Teaser Trailer | Disney+

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  • gszr89

    It’s been 30 years I’m waiting, and I’m more than ready, I already love everything. Those many trolls, I can’t wait to see it.

  • TheLastDesperado

    Huh, I wasn’t really expecting much from the show but from this trailer it actually looks really fun.

  • CapControl

    I’m all for a fantasy adventure series, looks pretty good. Loved the original Willow movie, tons of nostalgia so a bit biased.

  • Czarcasm21

    This might be the most excited I’ve been for a Disney+ series (though, to be fair, I’m only a moderate fan of Star Wars & the MCU).

    Looks very ’80’s fantasy’, and I’ve always been a fan of that particular style from films like the original *Willow*, *Labyrinth*, *Legend*, etc.

  • Ezzme

    In what world does this look cheap/low budget? I swear people just throw that around for anything now. This looks great

  • jl_theprofessor

    Oh man I really like Willow. I know it started as second rate LotR but it really was endearing.

    Edit: damn this trailer made me emotional.

  • willpauer

    Oh shit, I can’t wait for this. I loved the original movie as a kid, still do as an adult, and November 30 can’t get here soon enough.

  • GhostCheese

    oh man, I’m looking forward to the Willow after he’d learned real magic.

    he’ll probably be the “Fin Raziel” of this story.

  • WeDriftEternal

    Might sound odd – but I hope this is very kids friendly. It can be enjoyable for adults but Willow was such a great adventure movie for kids, it would be cool if today’s kids got to enjoy this show in the same way as past ones did for the movie

  • chopper_sic_balls

    One of my favorite movies growing up! Running around the house screaming “ I stole the baby haha I stole the baby! “ damn I’m old.

  • dashrendar

    These last few days have just been so rough and heartbreaking and just…getting to be too much for me.

    I didn’t realize how much I needed this until I saw the trailer. I am crying tears of joy, at the nostalgia and feelings this is pulling out of me from my childhood.

    This looks like a great way to escape the horrors of our world right now.

    -40 year old man

  • innerdork

    The original is Val Kilmer’s best performance of his career. I love that movie because of him and will die on this hill alone if I have to.

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