Sunday, June 16All That Matters

Willow – It’s A Total Disaster

Willow – It’s A Total Disaster

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  • AndarianDequer

    I made it about 30 minutes into the show, saw no magic. Looks like a Disney’s kids show with a lot of teenage angst and drama and hormones. What the hell.. It should have started off strong with some kind of magic.

  • AgentElman

    We watched the first 2 episodes and they were entertaining. But they did not make us eager to watch more and we haven’t bothered watching any more.

  • genefarrence

    I’m enjoying it well enough. Only issue I have is that the last two episodes have been extremely visually dark, and difficult for me to see. Other than that, it’s fun.

  • supernatlove

    I just really don’t understand what people were expecting from a “Willow” TV show. It’s literally been exactly what I expected. Just like the movie it’s not that great, but it is a bit of campy fun.

  • Scrawling-Chaos

    I’ve never actually watched videos from this guy but see them pop up every once in a while.

    The headlines are always similar to this video.

    Does he ever like anything? Or is his entire persona based on taking a big shit on everything?

  • Moerdac

    Its good. People just have nothing better to do than shit all over everything because its what they are known for. Its like the you tube channels where people pretend theyve never heard music before and end up crying listening to guns n roses. Fucking go get a job.

  • TheAlmightySpoon

    The show has ups and downs, but I enjoy it for what it is. My sister, dad, and I grew up watching the original Willow so it’s a fun nostalgia trip for me.

  • multi_tasking

    Sticking through it for now, not sure where they’re really going with it though.

    Some of the characters aren’t great –

    Elora is boring, just the damsel in distress for the most part. Not overly likeable, but that’s ok because she doesn’t need to be.

    Boorman is just the poor man’s Mad Martigan. “I was with him searching for the plot device!” Need him to die off sometime soon.

    Jade, the redhead just needs to get offed as well so Kit can actually be a character.

    (I looked up the names because most of them aren’t memorable yet.)


    Greatest hits of locations in the film so far. The haunted Nockmar castle felt a little cheesy, but I did kind of enjoy what the spookiness of that episode was going for at least. Willow’s village was a little lame, they never mentioend what happened to his wife and son, just that his daughter was still around.

    I don’t get Willow’s “i can’t waste my magic ability.” Raziel said there was pain for beginners, not that you have to conserve your magic, and both her and bavmorda were old as hell and weren’t dying from casting spells. I thought they were going to have his abilities be bluster like he failed to actually develop his skills.. but where are they going with it?

  • Archamasse

    I do not care what the OnlyMans industrial complex thinks about anything. I mean, they don’t even actually think it, this shit is the same script madlibbed over and over forever because rent’s due.

  • Scoongili

    I remember ginger plank of wood from Solo. They did a really long drawn out shot of her face when she removed her helmet like we were all supposed to recognize her and go “Oh shit! That’s…!”

  • Calfzilla2000

    Critical Drinker is a grifter that shits on movies and shows to sell his books and build his brand as some sort of intellectual anti-establishment film critic.

    Wish people wouldn’t promote his shit. He gets way too much attention as is.

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