Friday, July 5All That Matters

Why is Dave the Diver a nominee for Best Independent Game when it’s developer Mintrocket is a subsidiary of Nexon, a 18 Billion dollar company? Don’t get me wrong it’s a great game but I don’t think it’s fair

Why is Dave the Diver a nominee for Best Independent Game when it’s developer Mintrocket is a subsidiary of Nexon, a 18 Billion dollar company? Don’t get me wrong it’s a great game but I don’t think it’s fair

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  • Tadpole-Jackson

    Glad I’m not the only one who noticed. I previously thought it was an indie game until I looked up Mintrocket and saw that it was a Nexon studio.

  • Chaucer85

    It’s a fun game, for sure, but I absolutely don’t think it should be up for “independent” awards. They’re 100% a subsidiary of a large, successful media corporation.

  • greenyquinn

    Mintrocket has said they arent an indie company because they dont have to worry about deadlines much

    Despite the game’s look, Mintrocket have stated it is not an indie game. [7]

    awards are stupid

  • pahamack

    “indie” in games is such a strange thing.

    Could they have put Baldur’s gate in this category? Larian is independent after all, and they’re not a corporation or even owned partly by a corp.


    But BG3 has an AAA budget.


    Surely what’s being judged here is the game’s budget as opposed to the business structure and finances of the developer.

  • r31ya

    Its a Indie game… with multimillion dollar publisher who bankrolled them…

    we need better indie game description.

    Indie games that Dunkey often highlight shows the difference of production scale which cause me to question, where are all these game in the game awards?

    Do Annapurna backed releases like Strays still can be considered “indie”

  • anirban_dev

    Neowiz achieved the impossible by creating a Souls like that is pretty much as good as a From game. For that alone, they deserve a nomination.

  • IAmTheClayman

    Found this interesting tidbit on the Wikipedia page for the game:

    > Dave the Diver is the first game from Mintrocket, a subsidiary of Nexon. Taehwan Kim, Vice President of Nexon America stated that Dave the Diver, “may look like an indie, but it’s not necessarily the case”.

    That’s literally from an exec at Nexon America. This is why it’s important to standardize, or at the very least outline, a definition for what an “indie” game means. Because in 2023 it’s pretty much lost any universal meaning

  • Lemmavs

    Don’t think how unfair it is, vote on how fair it should be. and If you see Dave The Diver win, you see how the majority feels about “indie”.

  • eight675309eein

    Larger companies can have dev teams that make indie games. Example Fox makes big movies. Fox Searchlight makes independent movies. Still Fox though.

  • Erfegon

    To me, an indie game is a game where the developers have full decisions’ control. No inputs from the investors or editors, full creative control.

  • ShinobiSli

    Everyone in this sub will have a much easier time when they realize that the Game Awards are just a marketing stunt and not a legitimate measure of the quality of any game.

  • HazardousCarrot

    I have seen indie games defined as games built with more limited funding, I think it’s up to £1million is still classified as indie

  • NycoDyco

    For everyone who likes a good Rpg with cool graphics and a nice fighting system. Sea of stars was pretty good. It had its flaws, like the main character almost non existant personality. But overall a good game

  • steamart360

    Meanwhile Bomb Rush Cyberfunk got nothing. Honestly, I hardly consider these the goty awards, they’re more like Geoff choice awards.

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