Monday, April 15All That Matters

White House Plumbers | Official Trailer | HBO

White House Plumbers | Official Trailer | HBO

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  • AT_Dande

    A limited series about the Watergate “operation” from some of the people behind Succession and Veep? Sign me the hell up! If there’s anyone who can do justice to the nuttiness and sheer incompetence that took place there, it’s these people. Plus, the entire cast looks great, but seeing Justin Theroux as G. Gordon Litty is *the* biggest draw for me. Crazy sonofabitch, and I already know Theroux’s gonna hit it out of the park.

  • lilbro93

    May 1st.

    ~~Showtime~~ Starz did a miniseries last year that also covered Watergate called Gaslit.

    The first episode is a little slow, especially during middle, because the episode has to take the time set up the characters, their relationships and goals, and the time period.

    But from episode 2 and onward, the show really takes off. It was one of my top shows of last year. I highly recommend it.

    I am interested in seeing how this show differs.

  • thewidowgorey

    I had no idea what time period this was set in until they showed Nixon. Can period pieces stop being so afraid of being period accurate with hair, clothes, and decor?

  • dnanninga

    The “no names have been changed to protect the innocent because nearly everyone was found guilty” line is absolutely hilarious, perfect for a show about these idiots.

  • Jack_Sentry

    Hey they filmed parts of this on location in DC. My building was surrounded with period cars for weeks. I loved it.

  • homogenic-

    Just a few days ago I was thinking of this show, I remember it was announced that it would premiere this month. Glad it won’t be delayed no more.

  • EnderForHegemon

    I know this is a television sub, but I would HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the film All The President’s Men if you are at all interested in Watergate. It’s not some “hidden gem”, it’s a fairly well regarded film, but its a bit older (came out in 1976) so I figure a lot of people may not know about it.

    It follows the journalists that uncovered the story, and it is currently streaming on HBO Max! I have trouble watching older films, but was glued to the screen throughout this whole film. Probably the lack of special effects in this film, as that is what typically “ages” a film for me.

    *EDIT* After watching the trailer, this show looks like it’ll be a comedy, which All the President’s Men is not (it is a drama). So very different tones. The recommendation still stands though!

  • darth_wasabi

    reading up on watergate makes you realize why these batshit crazy Qanon conspiracy theories are such rubbish. There’s no way you could find enough people competent enough to pull that shit off

  • MeCritic

    I really love Woody Harrelson but something has slightly change in my opinion about him after his last visit on SNL. F*CK. Celebrities just really need to stop saying their opinions out loud.

  • Keltoigael

    Woody fuck your covid protocols entitled bitch. I used to love this guy, especially when he fought for hemp but god damn keep your mouth shut.

  • StopMockingMe0

    It’s a not looking good mario. Joe Biden doesn’t produce nearly as-ah many flushes as the last guy. How are a we-a going to afford these massive rent increases?

  • MotorCityMade

    Even as a very little kid, I remember Liddy giving me the creeps.

    Later, after he was released and was on the book tour for *Will,* I remember vividly just having scary torment from his eyes.

    Kind of like a Televangelist’s eyes.

  • AfghanHokie

    Republic have been idiots for decades and have also gotten away with cheating for decades, kinda sad when you think about it.

  • res30stupid

    So, are they going to feature the bit that one of the reasons they were caught was because their lookout guy was too busy watching porn?

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