Monday, April 15All That Matters

What game do you have “soft” nostalgia from? I.e. you never played it yourself back then, but you watched a friend etc play it, and it’s sort of nostalgic.

What game do you have “soft” nostalgia from? I.e. you never played it yourself back then, but you watched a friend etc play it, and it’s sort of nostalgic.

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  • SheikahBun

    The Kirby games. I’ve never played them myself, but I watched people who did and always thought they were cute and fun

  • Tight_Mammoth3302

    My older cousin use to play this game for Sega I think it was called shining force I love to watch him play it I was just to young to understand the controls but I believe that’s what made me fall in love with RPGs lol

  • KieransSecretAlt

    There was a NES game that my great aunt played where two people would walk close to one another and fight in the street. There was an old lady who would drop potted plants from a window. Sometimes the cops would drive by, and the two characters would have to stop fighting while they drove past.

    No idea what that game was, but the memory has stayed with me.

    She also played Metal Gear and Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. Coolest lady I ever knew that was born in the 1930’s.

  • bengmo64

    I used to play Mario 64 and metal gear solid on the display units at Walmart while my mom shopped. We didn’t have any game system at home just a computer so I grew up on dos games mostly. Now that I’m older I got a mister to scratch that itch

    Edit for clarity, mister doesn’t do n64, I just meant in general revisiting some of the games I maybe played a little at a friend’s house

  • catastrophecusp4


    not exactly nostalgic but my friend raved about that game constantly when I was a teenager and i watched him play a bit a few times. Played it 10ish years ago because of my memory of him going on about it all the time and it kept coming up on top 100 games of all times lists.

    Do not regret the play thru despite the 80s graphics and poor UI. When i told him i finally played it, he was like ‘told you so’

  • Griffes_de_Fer

    Final Fantasy X, with which I have a very strange relationship. My best friend had a PS2 back then so when the game came out he bought it and invited me over so I could see some of it.

    At the time I still only had a PS1 and N64 so it looked absolutely amazing. I watched him play it for hours and hours over the course of a few days, and every time I see anything about this game I’m transported back to that very special time.

    Years later I tried the game on my own PS2 and actually quite disliked it, never finished it and it’s one of my least favorites in the series (sorry FFX fans, I know you guys feel strongly about this one!). So it’s a very strange mix of a game I dislike but have very fond memories of.

  • Beardy_Boy_

    I never owned a Nintendo, so games like Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, and Mario really fit this category for me.

    Also Metal Gear Solid and Halo, though I do now own the Master Chief collection so I can start on that one.

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