Monday, April 15All That Matters

Was there ever a better match between endorser and product? 1995

Was there ever a better match between endorser and product? 1995

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  • DiamondBarbie007

    I always wondered if he could even see through those kind of glasses or if he would leave a backstage interview and walk into a wall.

  • TheMichaelN

    When the perfect spokesman finds the perfect snack to endorse it’s like magic. God gave us Macho Man and Slim Jim as tag team partners in the 1990s, and we’re all better for having witnessed it.

  • Channel5exclusive

    Bill Apter told a great story about Savage and SlimJim in his book.

    For those who don’t know, Apter was a writer for the wrestling magazines. These weren’t dirtsheet behind the scenes magazines. Theses were kayfabe wrestling magazines. Meaning that the wrestlers all knew that they were going to be in the magazine and the article in the magazines were focused around the storylines going on in various promotions on their respective tv shows. The wrestlers all wanted to be in these magazines because it was free publicity for them and they trusted the writers not to bury them in the magazine articles.

    Savage had recently jumped to WCW and Apter had a idea for an article on Savage. Apter called up Savage to tell him about the article. Savage gave him the go ahead to do the article and that was.

    Sometime later, Eric Bishoff arrives back in the US having just got back from the co-promoted two show tour WCW and done with New Japan wrestling in North Korea. Apter was trying to chat up Bishoff about the tour to get some information to put in an article on the tour. Bishoff didn’t much like Apter and he was tired so he brush Apter off. When that didn’t work, Bishoff informed Apter that Randy Savage wanted to kill Apter.

    Apter was confused by this revelation. He had no idea what he could have possibly done to upset Savage. A few weeks later. Apter is in the WCW locker room taking pictures for the magazines. Savage walks in and Apter, who considered Savage a friend, walk up to Savage to clear the air and apologize for whatever he may have done to upset Savage. Savage took one look at Apter and went ballistic. He accused Apter of burying him in the magazine article he had written about Savage and had jeopardized his SlimJim deal. People had to get in between them to stop Savage from beating the crap out of Apter. The article in question had a headline that read something like “Savage: is he too old?”. The article itself, however, did not say one negative word about Savage. It was basically about his last year in WWF and how he was phased out as a wrestler and became a play by play announcer. Now he’s making a comeback in WCW and the article was questioning whether Savage could make it to the top in WCW on his comeback or would age creep up on Savage and cut the comeback short? Savage was in about his mid forties then.

    Apter was shook up but he still had a job to do. He went to ringside to take photos during the show. During his match, Savage motion for Apter to climb up on the ring apron. This wasn’t an uncommon thing. Wrestlers would often do that to either get a picture taken or to mess with the photographer in a working way. Apter climbed up on the apron. Savage didn’t try to get a picture taken or try to mess Apter in a working way. Instead Savage spat right in Apter’s face. Apter was sad that his friendship with Savage seemed to be over and from then on he avoided Savage as much as was possible.

    Several months later, Apter was gets a call from Hulk Hogan, asking him to meet Hogan at his gym. Apter meets Hogan outside the gym. They went inside, the lights are all off and standing there waiting is Randy Savage. Savage walked up to Apter and hugged him. Savage apologized for everything he said and did. He explained that he had been in a really bad place back then. I believe that it was around the same time that Savage and Elizabeth had divorced. Savage explained that he has always been sensitive about his age and he really was worried that he would lose his SlimJim deal. He thought that if the SlimJim executives saw the article Apter had wrote, they might think that Savage was too old to be their spokesman and replace him. Apter accepted Savage’s apology and said it was all water under the bridge and they were friends again.

  • NightHawkVC25a

    One of the best childhood memories in the WWF/WWE/WCW for me. Definitely introduced me to Slim Jims. Oohh yeaahh!

    RIP Randall Mario Poffo

  • meltedbananas

    Short answer: no. Long answer: brother, let me tell you why that’s the worst question anyone ever asked. I’ll come at you with the full force of the tower of power, too sweet to be sour, funky like a monkey, ooh yeah!

  • _Maui_

    I remember back in 2011 when the rapture was scheduled for May 21st. Macho Man took one for the team, went up to Heaven the day before, and Flying Elbow Dropped some sense into them.

    Source: no rapture occurred.

  • sandsurfngbomber

    True story: in college I had an unhealthy obsession with the spicy slim Jims. Like a genuine addition. I fucking loved them. One time I bit into one and felt something hard, like a bone. It instantly grossed me out. I wrote the company a three page letter about how it ruined my day and potentially killed my addition. They responded with $100 worth of slim Jims.

    TL;DR – good company.

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