Sunday, April 14All That Matters

(Update) Someone threw away 6 pallets of Magic TG cards at my local city landfill. Bad news

(Update) Someone threw away 6 pallets of Magic TG cards at my local city landfill. Bad news

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  • LATIN0

    I cannot answer everyone here so this will be how I answer your questions.

    The cards are gone. I don’t think anyone driving those dozers knew or saw what was inside them. The field supervisors don’t care what’s being thrown away as long as it’s not chemicals.

    I don’t work there at the landfill, I was throwing away trash in my trailer

    We’re not allowed to take anything from the landfill, the package (we) grabbed, my coworker gave it to his kids. We face timed, no Black Lotus card.

    I do regret not taking a box or two, again we’re not allowed to. I didn’t.

    I didn’t know they were worth thousands of dollars of what pm messages and the comments I keep getting said. No new car for me

    I’m not getting rich and I don’t have any to sale. Please stop asking for boxes. I have no boxes

    I’m not deleting my first post.

    I saw magic cards close to where I was dumping, looked for the source and I took a pic. I shared it to Reddit. That’s it. Didn’t know it was going to blow up.

    It’s impossible to reply to a comment with a photo on Reddit, and Rif. I had to find my imgur and login just to upload more photos without creating a new post.

    The cards are all under layers of trash, each day 2-4 layers are being added. Don’t try to come and look for some. They are all damaged.

    My biggest concern is I know some of y’all figured out the location, don’t call them. Don’t come to get them. The same field supervisors will tell you the same thing if you come out there. “You’re not allowed to take anything from here”

    I did return today to dump my trailer, this is what I found and yes I decided to take it home this time. I do have 2 unopened from a special edition called secret lair, found it where I walked around the area where I was last time. I’m keeping them to remind myself of a woulda coulda shoulda moment of my life. Probably worth little but will mean a lot to me.

    I’m sorry this didn’t turn out the way most of y’all expected. Again, I only took the photos. I’m not a card dealer, I don’t buy or sell cards. I’m not for hire.

    Please don’t threaten me, this is Texas.

    I didn’t know about the residue boxes from another post. I’m not here for a Karma train.

    I’m not mad I didn’t take any boxes but I wish I knew what they were worth when I took a photo and seeing them on the ground. I only know of MTG because of Reddit posts I’ve seen over the years.

    I’m not going to kill myself over this post or these cards.

    I’m going back to work like everyone else.

  • colincoolcat1

    That’s too bad . I just saw the picture the other day . I was hoping someone grabbed a bunch of them . I do understand why they don’t want people to grab stuff but come on man .

    I’m like you I always do the right thing and look back and go wow I got screwed over by doing the right thing .

  • vantha

    Wow the last picture was a 30th anniversary card. That means there potentially could had been anniversary boxes mixed in there. Those thing were being sold for $1000 a box.

  • LivingLosDream

    Thanks for the update. I know next to nothing about MTG but your comment above was super thoughtful.

    Glad you could answer all the questions people had.

  • RichardsLeftNipple

    I understand why they don’t let people take stuff out of the trash.

    However usually it’s one of those things where no one is there to take stuff away. Who is going to care or notice if you spend 5 minutes grabbing some.

    Oh well…

    I remembered this one guy who managed to find his wedding ring at the dump. This was before it was put in the land fill though. Apparently it’s rare but not uncommon. Where they searched for his garbage bag and then opened the bag to go looking for the ring.

    Which means perhaps if you knew how valuable they were, it is possible that you could have found a way to claim them. It definitely would have been worth it to give it a strong effort.

  • Bob_Perdunsky

    Absolute legend for giving us an update. It’s too bad you weren’t able to salvage more but at least you have a cool story now.

  • Wonderboy2097

    « “There is no evidence that Magic is overprinted,” Wizards of the Coast president Cynthia Williams told investors » LMAO so hard right now 😄

  • Gram64

    That Dack Fayden is a secret lair card, it’s not from some random set. Secret Lairs are usually around 6 cards that are reprints with cool art, or new cards based off an existing IP. So, this card isn’t worth a ton, like $6 or something. But Secret lair cards aren’t cards worth pennies either.

  • Dependent-Fondant-64

    This is interesting I wonder what happened? Likely damaged or defective product. This probably happens with every set but people don’t find it.

  • M1Mayhem

    Super cool of you to update us. I know you went out of your way for that. I appreciate that. Kinda sad it happened and you could not grab a couple of boxes.


    Everything has a value. I would see whatever these are, say whatever and keep moving. I wouldn’t stress over it and it doesn’t seem like you are; life’s too short. Sometimes just a little magic 😉 is enough

  • Eqmuraj

    And these a-holes have the audacity to put the price point for commander masters set boxes at $400, meanwhile they try and quietly throw hundreds of thousands of dollars of cards into landfills

  • Fat-6andalf

    I stopped playing years (decades?) ago, right after 5th Edition I believe. Can someone enlighten me. Is this basically a worthless promo card, and said cases were full of nothing but?

  • FFIXwasthebestFF

    Rudy from Alpha Investments on YouTube covered your story and will probably also comment on your update. His first video already has 100k views! Check it out!

  • Mixedthought

    There was a post on some sub late last week about having to refuse a pallets of gaming cards due to being covered with chemicals.

    Apparently they arrived on the truck in covered just days before a big show or something was about to happen.

  • fairie_poison

    was this the reddit post from last week of a guy having to toss 60,000$ worth of trading cards because they were covered in chemicals?

  • Dat_Steve

    It makes me so fucking angry to think about all the magic and comic cards I had in storage back in 2004. I went to Boot Camp and my mom had mid life crisis, put all our stuff in storage, even stole some of my shit, and then when I got back I asked her where it all was. None of it was in storage.

  • amplector

    They wouldn’t be seizing shit from me. I’d have them back in the ground somewhere that i’m the only one that knows and with a quickness until it blows over and fines are paid.

  • EmeraldPrime

    Hey was this the same pallet that was delivered to a guy who recently posted on Reddit, and the boxes were covered and drenched in some unknown black stuff?

  • Skarth

    MTG Players : “OMG! Tens of thousands of dollars gone to waste!”

    WotC : “$200 of cardstock and plastic got ruined, go print up another 6 pallets worth before noon”

  • amitrion

    People have lives. And our priorities shift. We change over time. I had the entire box set of Upper Deck baseball cards when they came out and I was in elem school. Mom threw them out ages ago. My brothers were avid comic book collectors. We even had all of the Infiniti Wars comics – I’m sure those went up in value due to the movies. Maybe this guy moved on. Life happens.

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