Monday, April 15All That Matters

Unreal Engine metahuman 3D model and animation, combined with deep fake of Tom Cruise looks incredible

Unreal Engine metahuman 3D model and animation, combined with deep fake of Tom Cruise looks incredible

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  • Meth_Useler

    dating sites will be filled with these, stringing along lonely people for maximum profit. Apps like Cameo? No need t hire the real one. So many possibilities!

  • Lettuphant

    >I don’t think you can get this level of face replacement quality in real time yet.

    Yet is the operative word, though we’re already at 2-3 frames per second.

    Games will go this way, potentially entirely. [Here is GTA V running with no game engine.]( A neural network is “dreaming” this based on the player’s input. You could denoise it with something like DLSS, deep fake any human character that materialised, etc.

    Of course that AI had to be trained on hundreds of hours of GTA footage, so we’re a long way off from magical Holodeck self-writing games. But with AI dungeon showing how well an AI can generate stories and conversations without understanding language, and how this can generate gameplay without understanding 3D worlds or physics, I imagine in 50 years there’ll be little entertainment that isn’t in some way being handled by a neural net.

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