Sunday, April 28All That Matters

‘Undertale Yellow’ An Ambitious Undertale Fan Project that has been in Development FOR 7 WHOLE YEARS Finally Releases.

‘Undertale Yellow’ An Ambitious Undertale Fan Project that has been in Development FOR 7 WHOLE YEARS Finally Releases.

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  • karmaenthusiast_

    *I am really annoyed by the moderators of this subreddit. They removed this post 2 times now and they have made it such a tedious hassle for me to put this post up successfully.*

    Anyway, For anybody wondering, what the heck this is. Undertale Yellow is a fully-fledged fan game with a whole team that worked on it for **7 WHOLE YEARS**. An unprecedented feat and being the first ever BIG Undertale fan game to ever be completed. The game is also **free** which is insane since they put so much time and dedication into this project. (but that might be understandable due to copyright reasons)

    This isn’t self-promotion (mods), I’m just promoting to this subreddit as a FAN and long-time follower and admirer of this project because the devs deserve so much for this game. The dedication of it being worked on for 7 YEARS, is incredible and the fact they don’t even allow donations is… just wow. Massive RESPECT.

    The Official Link to the Game is in the YouTube description of the trailer.

  • FireAx-Fonzie

    I’ve never played Undertale, but this game looks fun. Can I get away with playing this game despite never playing the original Undertale?

  • MusicRifle

    I’ve just reached Snowdin and the game has been magical so far, but I have a question. (*spoilers*) In between the ice pellets room (the one east of the cabin save point) and the previous one I stumbled upon a secret room, but I accidentally exited before taking a proper look. Can anyone tell me if it is worth looking for again?

  • BecauseImBatmanFilms

    Imagine being Toby Fox. To go from making Earthbound Rom Hacks to making games for Nintendo and having people make fan projects of your own indie games. What a legend

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