Friday, April 12All That Matters

Tom Hanks on the Writers Strike in Hollywood

Tom Hanks on the Writers Strike in Hollywood

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  • BillHicksScream

    PBS NewsHour has long been terrible (Always let the CEO lie, but never let a union speak) but this is pathetic.

    That confused & openly ignorant first question says so much to me “I did no research at all (that might be bias!). Instead, i read your book and thought about… NewsHour! And then i wrote this non question that reveals all this failure”.

  • BecomeABenefit

    He makes some good points, but it’s not going to change significantly. People are paid based on supply and demand. There are millions of people who are capable of writing TV series and movies, thousands that are capable of writing them well. The same can be said of the stunt people and camera people. Can’t make a movie without them. But when someone capable is willing to work for a little less, salaries are always going to suffer. Unionizing makes this a little better, but tends to create an elite club that’s nearly impossible to break into and can end up shifting those jobs offshore.

    Actors and directors get paid a lot because there are very few that can do the job and even fewer that can put butts in seats.

  • 20th_Millennium_Boy

    Seems like he is saying without saying the steamers are producing way too much poor quality shit.

    Oversaturating the market, too many low quality choices for the consumer, devalues the very high end stuff and takes away too much of the “pie” from writers and quality projects who deserve it.

    I don’t know if Mr. Hanks is right at all, I’m just trying to understand his subtle non-commital answer.

  • Dagwood_Sandwich

    One thing that seems wrong in what he is saying is about how there’s no big new unknown at the moment. Isn’t a big part of the strike (besides equity from streaming) around limiting the use of A.I.? This seems like a big question mark in the industry and the negotiations. Maybe I misunderstood what he was saying there.

  • Itdidnt_trickle_down

    The problem with the entertainment industry is the same as its always been. Those who contribute the least make the most.

  • adamcmorrison

    Anyone else raise an eyebrow when he said “We have to figure this out in an ecumenical way”

    What a strange choice of wording

  • CBattles6

    This is probably the most tepid, convoluted, mealy-mouthed support for the writers’ strike I’ve seen to date.

  • MickeyKae

    I bet the strike makes a lot of people in his circles very uncomfortable. His response is pretty cagey, but when you read between the lines, he’s telling his friends on the “producing” side of all this to just pay the damn writers.

    This was his way of saying that the folks holding the coffers don’t have a leg to stand on like they did in prior negotiations. Money is *flowing* from streaming content. If you don’t have a robust way to compensate/retain talented writers, that flow is in danger.

  • ADAismyjob

    This was a well balanced and insightful response from Mr. Hanks. He recognizes the need for agreement and the difficulties getting to that. During any labor / employer dispute you know not to say anything other than “We look forward to a resolution of this dispute”. Your reps or (on the other side) the employment spokespeople should be the ones making statements. This was 100% textbook answering during negotiations. This was a masterclass piece of interviewing on his part. Technical execution: 10/10.

  • IdidntchooseR

    Streamers play a game of obfuscation so “the house always wins”. Non-nepo/trust fund babies took a gamble, in a city of rising cost of living (from the policies they voted for themselves.)

  • Greensleeves-

    I’m 100% behind this strike and the strikes that may be soon to follow. It would be great tho, to see / hear more about the industries that support motion picture, how they are suffering and hundreds of families are going to have a very difficult rest of the year. Some companies that support motion picture, millions invested, careers, may not survive this summer strike.

  • Brasscogs

    He said a lot of words without actually saying anything.

    “Do you support the strike?”

    “Well we’re definitely gonna have to come to an agreement.”

    How profound.

  • earic23

    I’d like to hear Matt Damons take. He’s always seemed very upfront about the weird shit that goes down in the industry.

  • FrostySquirrel820

    Tom Hanks makes about 25 million dollars per movie.

    I personally have no issue with this. Good luck to him.

    But for him to suggest he’s just a consumer of entertainment, like all the rest of us, kind of underplays his involvement in how the earnings are split amongst all the different creative elements..

  • External_Ad6686

    “We’re all in this together” something that should be shouted far and wide on a whole range of issues.

  • DTFlash

    Netflix has 250 million subs. Disney+ has 120 million subs. In no world are they not actually making money. They are doing the hollywood tradition of fudging numbers so they don’t have to pay people. Lucas film tried to not pay David Prowse residual payments on Return of the Jedi claiming it hadn’t made money. Return of the Jedi!!!!!

  • KingRaphion

    I just found it funny the writers guild went on strike. When most of the entertainment companies are cutting or laying people off lol.

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