Monday, April 15All That Matters

To Protect And Sleep

To Protect And Sleep

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  • Fair_Acanthisitta_75

    Sleeping on the taxpayers dime so they can be well rested for the private security job at the club in the evening.

  • ZedGardner

    Police officers get to take a break too. I know I’ve snuck out to my car for a nap at lunch before. Although I probably wouldn’t do it with my coworkers. Lol

  • Spartacus714

    Ok, hot damn take here, but good.

    Cops need to take a page from firefighter’s books. If you’re not needed, you’re not needed.

    While having the windows open is a fucking terrible call, not going out and looking for trouble is a better one. Wait till people ask, don’t start fights because.

  • R9D11

    In the Netherlands the Latin motto of the police is “Vigilat ut Quiescant”. It means We watch,so you can sleep. So this is very funny to me.

  • JonasPolskyAMA

    In my neighborhood, drivers are really timid and refuse to drive if a pedestrian is anywhere near a crosswalk (like if you are 15 feet from entering the crosswalk they will stop and wait).

    Today, I saw a cop driving towards me as I was approaching the crosswalk, and I thought “No way this cop yields” and he proceeded to pull up into the middle of the crosswalk, pause briefly, then speed off.

    Failure to stop at the limit line, blocking crosswalk, failure to yield to a pedestrian. Everyone follows the law except for cops.

    I actually started laughing as he pulled away.

  • SpicySatan666

    Its funny how everyone is bashing them but its just a picture with not much context. They might be on break or something

  • StarsofSobek

    Terrible story time: I used to babysit for a woman who admitted that the reason she was no longer a cop, was because 90% of her days, she’d park her car, do some busywork, then fall asleep. She had the ability to sleep with her eyes open. It was like… a hereditary thing.

    Anyway, her reason for quitting the cop gig for a desk job? She realised after giving birth to her first kid, that if she was asleep in her car, sleeping in uniform, someone could come along and kill her.

    She realised this after a decade of being active and napping in her car. I’ve never forgotten that.

  • Clean_Editor_8668

    About a decade ago there was a minor scandal in my city where a guy videotaped his police officer neighbor coming home in his patrol car and sleeping all day.

    Turns out it was a regular practice for cops nearing retirement age to work 2x the number of hours each week so their retirement amount would be higher. But the department also would let them “work it” while at home sleeping.

    So they would get their normal salary for the first 40 hours. Then get the mandatory 8 hours of OT at 1.5x rate built into their contract. Then get paid 1.5x rate for 22 hours while home sleeping. Then get paid at 2.0x rate for the last 26 hours of being home sleeping.

    No one got fired no one got admonished.

    The police actually got a raise in exchange for not committing more fraud.

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