Saturday, April 20All That Matters

thoughs ?

thoughs ?

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  • FireMaster2311

    Probably kind of true. Though I guess AI could soon make them obsolete. Atleast regarding the writers, they probably want to write other things. Video games can have good stories, but they aren’t as important as in movies or books because there are other gameplay issues that make up the experience. The story isn’t the only focus as game play and stuff like that are also important to a games success.

  • HumpSlackWails

    Thoughts? A bunch of bullshit. Everyone is looking for the next thing.

    The problem is that what the marketplace has proven will MAKE MONEY doesn’t match up to what the gaming community says with its mouth it wants.

    What we say with our pocketbooks in the marketplace matters way more than what we say with our mouths on reddit and twitter and shit. And like it or not?

    The marketplace says we like micro-transaction-filled, shallow, clunky garbage for our mass-audience media. The problem isn’t with anything this meme suggests. It’s entirely in the marketplace and it won’t change until the consumer demands better.

  • Brewe

    >Video game devs are overworked and underpaid… Nobody who works there wants to.

    If they are overworked and overpaid *and* don’t want to be there, then why are they there? They are there because they want to, despite the shitty conditions they work under. You don’t need to get more people who want to be there, in there. You just need to get the money-hungry corporate fuckheads out of there, so the developers can work in peace, and under proper conditions.

  • PlayerZeroStart

    “Video game designers would rather be doing movies” Um, no. They are making video games because video games have a lot of advantages over other storytelling mediums, like interaction and being essentially allowed whatever length you want. I do agree that if there are some games that really should have just been movies/TV shows (like anything Telltale put out), but if they wanted to make movies, they’d have made movies.

  • ThePhonyKing

    There are plenty of fantasy and science fiction writers who would absolutely prefer the game medium over movies. It allows for more fleshed out world building and longer stories.

    Games have the potential to be the next best thing to literature for sci fi and fantasy storytelling, and has very rarely come close to it’s true potential. In response to another poster mentioning AI replacing proper writers… If confined to some (but not all) side quests this would probably be fine, but if it becomes the norm for AI to write the entire story of fantasy/sci fi RPGs, then we will never reach the medium’s true potential.

    Also the Video Game industry needs a proper union like IATSE for film.

  • Kiethblacklion

    I agree that many Devs being overworked and underpaid. But that’s not their fault but the execs who make decisions that they shouldn’t be making.

    As for game journalists, I think there are some that are in the industry that don’t fully understand what their job is supposed to be. I do not lay the blame solely on the article writers though, the job of the editors and upper management is to steer the journalists, give them their assignments on what stories to cover and make sure the stories are “on brand” for their publications. Given some of the trash that I have read, the editors and upper management are to just as bad as the article writers.

  • Karasumor1

    that’s just capitalism , most people wouldn’t be wage-slaving where they currently do if they had freedom and choice

  • Adventurous_Eye_4893

    While I will grant that their logic is flawed, this is one of the reasons why I prefer Indie games. They’re made with heart, sculpted by the will and feeling of independent developers. AAA games are more often than not shameless mass-produced products for grabbing as much cash as possible.

    The other, main reason is that Indie games aren’t shackled by the values and rules of a bigger company, so they can explore whatever topics they please without having to be scrutinized by higher-ups in the industry. For the hottest example right now, Mojang refuses to add sharks to Minecraft because “they” don’t want to encourage harming sharks IRL, yet Re-Logic, the developers of Terraria, doesn’t so much as blink at the prospect of players mass-murdering all manner of sea life (and even the Giant Flying Fox, which is an endangered species IRL) for fun or profit. The difference, I believe, is that Mojang is owned by Microsoft, which is using them as a sock-puppet to squeeze as much money as they can from Minecraft’s fanbase as possible, while enforcing company values and forcing Mojang employees to parrot them so as to appeal to the general public, not quite understanding what gamers really want. Meanwhile, Terraria is the product of an independent company that’s first and foremost concerned with making a fun video game.

    I rest my case. My main problem with AAA games isn’t that nobody really wants to be a game developer; it’s the tyranny of big companies that refuse to let developers experiment with the things an independent dev can do with impunity.

  • doominfinityfan1

    This is bullshit. Whoever wrote this is a fuckin dumbass moron. Spreading misinformation and lies like this shit. I apologize for my language here but this post pisses me off.

  • IforgotwhatIwasdoing

    I would give up half my lifespan to go back to expansions over DLC. For the days when streamers didn’t exist, before gamer “celebrities” would play and promote any steaming pile for a few bucks because they need to eat and pay bills too.

    Before 90% of games had Day 1 DLC(content ripped out of the base game to be sold), lootboxes(gambling for children), the addition of “seasons” to every genre(to utilize FOMO, fear of missing out), the migration of microtransactions from Free2play to full-price games(The mechanics F2P used to be free, paid games now use to pay their C-suite bonuses), and/or launch unfinished(needing weeks or months of patches to be playable; looking at you CP2077).

  • jl_theprofessor

    I don’t know I had fun working for Blizzard. Though I wasn’t in office and all of my drafts went through my liaison.

  • Golden326326

    I believe we need more indie studios, that will grow and replace the old AAA Studios but this time with people who are passionate about it and get paid a reasonable salary.

    People who buy games should stop giving money for Activision and EA everytime an eSports or a Call of duty comes out.

    Maybe stop focusing on 150 hours open world games? And invest more into 10-20 hours games with great gameplay, world design and story?

  • tidebringer1992

    Video games aren’t really about stories. A quick look at the top 50 selling games it’s like the Witcher 3, Pokémon, Skyrim, GTA & RDR mixed in with a bunch of non-story games. They are about fun. GTA is fun. Pokémon is fun and barely has a story. Minecraft is #1 by a long shot. No story.

  • Massive-Lime7193

    AAA studios aren’t struggling. AAA studios that try to scam their customer base through shariah monetization strats are getting called out and their greedy games are flopping.

  • hashimishii

    Games used to be made because the devs made it a personal goal and wanted to bring an experience to everyone. Today video game development is just another way for giant corporations to make insane profits every year. The evidence is everywhere. Look at any AAA franchise today, it’s all the same recycled garbage with a fresh coat of paint.

  • Eiferius

    I think the gaming industry is filled with enthusiasts. Nobody would do such a shitty job like game dev unless you love it.

  • EeveeonE-

    True and false. Can’t say I’ve seen much politics in gaming journalism? Unless you’re talking about representation and inherent traits, which aren’t political because they’re simply existence. Because LGBTQ+ is considered for debate, as well as disability, it ends up becoming a situation of morality vs immorality, not politics. We can’t keep pretending it is politics at the end of the day. Face the facts or get fucked (because there’s a lack of a better way to say this)

  • FrogQuestion

    Indie dev here. Ive been studying and working alone for 6 years. I want to fucking die. Im so lonely. And still i dont have a decent game to show for it.

  • brittonpeele

    Hi, I’m a former full-time game journalist (well, I did reviews more often) who currently works at a mainstream newspaper.

    No — *emphatically no* — game journos would not rather be in politics. Games are a lot more fun. And for as much undue hate as games journalists often get, politics writers can get just as much if not more (depending on what you write, where you live, etc.).

    There’s also the fact that games journalists are paid less and have even less job security than many if not most mainstream journalists that aren’t writing about entertainment. (For what it’s worth, I think this is also true of developers. You might be able to make a lot more coding for a bank than for a video game.) All of the games writers I know are covering games because it’s the thing they love.

    As someone who hasn’t covered much of politics specifically but has definitely done a share of “real” reporting, give me video game stories all day, every day. You’re asking me to choose between talking about a medium I’ve loved since I was a small child and sitting in a really boring city council meeting for hours. It’s not much of a choice.

  • anotverygoodwritter

    Literaly the oposite of that lst statement. Everyone making or covering videogames love the medium; that’s partly why they are so prone to being exploited

  • Dan_Felder


    The reason a lot of studios burn people out so much is because there is a MASSIVE influx of people that want to break into games. There aren’t close to enough jobs to go around for all the people that want them. I help people trying to break in constantly.

  • twonha

    While a random nonsensical tweet deserves little attention, I think *some* people are likely to end up in places where they wish they weren’t. Neil Druckmann (Naughty Dog) has always had a clear passion to work in television or film, and with The Last of Us coming to HBO, he’s had a dream come true. Now, I’m not under the impression he was miserable directing video games, but I’m sure he’s happy he got the chance to jump into an immediately successful television show that’ll keep him busy for years to come.

  • NocturnalF0restElf

    im a journalism student who loves gaming and would prefer gaming journalism more than politics journalism and I refuse to work for a tabloid because tabloids are shxt

    I would love to do mod reviews for Skyrim and I have a vast knowledge of Elder Scrolls lore

  • Educational_Price653

    I just know an XBOX fan wrote that nonsense. The only thing that is true is the overworked and underpaid thing. Also why don’t people ever talk about the fact that indie games are not all good? There’s a lot of terrible indie games too.

  • 2fatdads

    Every statement is incorrect. I say this as a developer at a AAA studio. People are amazing at making up things with no supporting… anything and believing it

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