Friday, May 17All That Matters

This well spoken cowboy is basically the opposite of Andrew Tate

This well spoken cowboy is basically the opposite of Andrew Tate

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  • MapedMod

    When he blew up I watched some other of his clips and he comes out as occasionally racist and really conservative when it comes to women.

    **I am not going to respond to any other comments under this one because I was compared to Hitler, called a racist, autistic, stupid, dumb and ignorant multiple times, by people that didn’t even take the time to listen to the person they are defending. I don’t want to waste any more time on that discussion. I will read for sure because I am curious, but it is impossible to talk to triggered people that just joined for the drama. Stop looking for wisdom from content creators. They do it for money and they will tell you anything you want to hear if it gives them more views.**

  • logosfabula

    Knowing the absolute appetite for homologation there is, we’ll be having a wave of long bearded well spoken husky cowboys this year.

  • kablamy

    I mean, there is wisdom in learning who you are, accepting it, and being confident, which can be very healthy.

    However, learning from others and taking into account how others feel is a big part of the equation. If you’re comfortable not ever learning about how other people are, how they feel, and perspectives outside of your own experience I think it can be a solipsistic way of thinking that is not beneficial to being a more well rounded person.

  • dev_ire

    I would say he would have a few views in common with the likes of tate but he is wise enough not to say them, I’d say he would like a lot of questionable stuff with his rumble account though. Lots of real men no feminist dog whistles in his videos.

  • jesus_chen

    Dewayne has good advice here and there but his online persona is to sell the “cowboy way of life” to pack his school and should be taken with a grain of salt. He’s smart enough to hit on touchy topics and then pull the ol’ “but, shucks, I’m just an old cowboy, what do I know?” card because it gets views.

  • social_taboo

    This dude speaks his mind, but he is definitely biased. I mean…what if “being you” is to dress a little more provocative? To truly be you, you can’t listen to any opinions, and this guy had one.

  • Doobledorf

    He has some good advice, but also some pretty horrible takes when it comes to people who aren’t straight, white dudes.

    Let’s just say as a gay man, I’m not interested in listening to a dude who thinks part of the problem with the world is me.

    Before we jump to conclusions, I saw this dude’s videos a while ago and watched quite a few.

  • Islanduniverse

    His advice to women is kind of ridiculous though… The problem with social media has nothing to do with how women dress…

    He also then just starts proselytizing all weird… calling everyone else a sheep, but when in the right room, he is just like a bunch of other people who look just like him… and sound like him, and act like him… I’ve met tons of people just like this guy.

    He says some good stuff, but he seems a little full of shit as well.

  • PM_Your_Best_Ideas

    Is Andrew Tate like a real person? I thought it was an act like a performance. A Character just to stir up YouTube drama. Maybe because he comes across as a clown.

  • mh985

    The video is fine but what the hell does this have to do with Andrew Tate?

    I swear, Reddit would cease to exist if there weren’t two or three people that could be brought up at EVERY POSSIBLE MOMENT.

  • Skjolbir

    I briefly watched this guy. Be aware of his politics though, he does hold some opinions that most liberal leaning people will find quite in opposition to their own.

  • GamerMan15

    I used to follow andreas bull hansen for this kinda shit but his channel went from cool bushcraft tutorials and philosophical musings to a norwegian dude bitching about “woke culture” in america.

  • The_Crimson_Clover

    How about, and hear me out, everyone just do what the fuck they want?

    Wanna be a whore? Go for it

    Wanna be a man pleasing housewife? Do it.

    Wanna be gay? have at it.

    Everyone just mind their own fucking business, and choose the person who’s right for you.

  • Engels777

    Love how the guy who´s entire premise is to be yourself has views that very much negate the personhood of women and lgbtq folks.

  • wanderin225

    This thread proves nuance is dead.

    It’s nobody’s fault your attention span is so bad that you can’t even watch a couple 10-minute Youtube videos to get this guy’s vibe, and see the kind of lifestyle he lives. You don’t have to accept everything you hear from Dwayne, just what makes sense to you to become a better version of yourself as a man.

    It’s how you grow as a person, learning the smallest things from people with entirely different ways of thinking. The guy speaks against idealogues, just like people are on here now, and the man spends more time talking his favorite cigars than anything about his school.

    And people wonder why nobody wants to try and speak for young men. Who needs the trouble when a bunch of hive-minded terminally online losers will judge every move and mistake you’ve made and lord over every belief you hold?

    It’s exactly what happened with Jordan Peterson. Dude’s a conservative blowhard (and comes off a tryhard faux-intellectual), but you can at least know the value of organizing your life and improving yourself. Now, the guy is permanently changed mentally and physically from drug abuse, all due to dealing with the infamy.

    And the worst part is, a cowboy who happens to have some traditional views in a changing world will be grouped in with someone like Tate. Figure out for yourself why that might be something to regret.

  • Peter_See

    Oh this guy. I like some of his videos but he actually isnt THAT much different when he starts talking about “feminists”

  • GeneralZaroff1

    Technically anyone who’s not a rapist, has above-room-temperature IQ, or has a chin is the opposite of Andrew Tate.

  • Rizak

    This guy is just another performative controversialist. There’s nothing unique about looking, talking and acting like a cowboy.

  • Rusty-Shackleford

    From his channel:

    “This channel seeks to be a source of information about horses, saddles and tack, riding, training, wrangling, packing and many other related subjects.

    Dewayne has been living the horse life for over 30 years, both as a professional and as a private owner. As a husband of 30 years, the father of 7 grown children and “Grumpa” to 4 grandchildren, this aspect of his life and experience cannot be separated from the reality of who he is, and makes its way into the mix as well. **As a Christian with a varied and unique history in the ministry, and a sometime law enforcement officer, he also brings these life experiences to the table.**

    It is not the purpose of this channel to present “the” way to do anything, but rather to use simple logic and experience to try to help others who might be looking for answers. It does not always offer direct answers to certain questions, but instead humbly seeks to show a road one might go down to find the answers they need for themselves.”

    So the cowboy thing might seem cool or whatever, but all that stuff about “ministry” is born again talk. I’d be wary about this guy.

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