Sunday, May 5All That Matters

This week on Awful Takes we present to you this dude: “Maybe we as an industry should tell players who pay $70 for our dogshit game to go suck on it rather than apologize for deceiving them and releasing a broken, awful mess. We’re not your servants, gamers! Who even are you, our costumers? Pfff”

This week on Awful Takes we present to you this dude: “Maybe we as an industry should tell players who pay $70 for our dogshit game to go suck on it rather than apologize for deceiving them and releasing a broken, awful mess. We’re not your servants, gamers! Who even are you, our costumers? Pfff”

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  • Peter96x

    Delusional. Literally any business in any field should apologise for releasing a poor product or providing poor service.

  • Absalom98

    Oh, and cherry on top, this guy blocked anyone from replying. That’s how you know he’s really proud and sure of his take.

  • Hungry_Lavishness_42

    I’ve heard about this, his argument stems from the fact you can get a refund. This is a bullshit justification, since not everyone that buys games are eligible for refunds. 100% of games aren’t bought on Steam. It was a fucking miracle Sony actually refunded people for Cyberpunk 2077.

  • ReallyNeedHelpASAP68

    I always like when people start an argument with “no shade” or “no offense”, because it’s will always bring out some sort of stupidity or dogshit take.

  • sugarsweetsl

    If you sell a bad product you should apologize for it. If someone sold you a burger and one bite in you realize it was still raw inside you’d expect an apology for that. Same idea.

  • DAswoopingisbad

    You are trying to sell us your product. You are not our servants but we have no obligation to support you, your team, studio or publisher.

    Raise your game or don’t expect our money.

  • thewalkindude

    This guy is complaining about studios apologizing for schedule slips, and that’s absurd. Most people, these days are pretty wling to overlook schedule slips if it means the game comes out in better shape, but the developer should apologize for them anyways. That’s just a good business practice.

  • BlueMikeStu

    You’re not our servants, but you are offering a fucking subpar product and deserve to be called out on it. If your mechanic didn’t fix your car properly you would be pissed at him, would you not?

  • TheRealSavio

    Am I misunderstanding or is he saying that gaming companies aren’t serving gamers? That’s what their whole service relies on…

  • TangoZuluMike

    The general concept behind making and selling a product is that you’re making something people want to buy.

    So yeah, they should be catering to their consumers.

    What dumb kind of a take is that???

  • robomagician

    This reminds me of the comic book industry lately. I really don’t pay much attention to it and haven’t bought a comic in decades but I often see the comics writers telling people they aren’t there to appease the audience. That the writers are their own artists and will do what they like and if the audience doesn’t like it, too bad.

    Like, what? Don’t these game devs and comics writers want to have a job to pay the rent? I don’t get this confrontational stance.

  • LondonDude123

    I can somewhat agree with him. Games companies shouldnt be apologizing. Stand behind your product and say “Yes this is the game we wanted to release, and we did…”

    And then when you go out of business because nobody wants to buy your shit games, well you did it to yourself. Other than that, people who DID buy the shit games and felt ripped off, you ALSO did it to yourself…

    Tweet is both wrong, but has a point to be made…

  • Lyniaer

    If a car company released their concept cars only to find they explode on impact with .. regular oxygen, there’d be some fucking outcry.

    Nobody condones paying full price for an unfinished product and an unwritten promise to complete the task later.

    This is how contractors get sued and game developers should do the same. The only problem is, the contract of purchasing ANYTHING is entirely one-sided.

    A consumer protection law that covers purchases should meet the expectations of a reasonable consumer are badly needed – oh wait, they do exist. Unfortunately suing a company as a standard individual is impossible because civil court is largely inaccessible to the masses.

    The best we can do is stop buying this shit and stop accepting apologies. You done fucked up A-Aron, get out of my console!

  • Villainary

    The funniest part of their “apology” is they misname their own game as “The lord of ring”

    Sums up this whole debacle perfectly

  • Educational-Tip6177

    Is it just me or is there a rising amount of game devs who are rather deluded and entitled these days?

  • BanditManSteve

    Lemme say it loud enough for the people in the back,



    If you wait for the review, there is no deception. You aren’t burned because you realize you don’t need to buy the broken ass game, they get no money and quickly learn they have to do better or go out of business. If you preorder a game without sufficient knowledge of it’s quality, your not helping the problem.

  • potatomonster12346

    Just release a finished product. Then you don’t have to apologize in the first place. Difficult concept, i know.

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