Thursday, May 16All That Matters

This one is from a yearbook of my school for the 1980-1981 school year. Even for that time period, it seems like this is one of those photos that slipped through the cracks of pre-approval from the faculty associated with the yearbook

This one is from a yearbook of my school for the 1980-1981 school year. Even for that time period, it seems like this is one of those photos that slipped through the cracks of pre-approval from the faculty associated with the yearbook

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  • FrigDancingWithBarb

    I’m my senior class picture I wore a red hoodie a carried a long red balloon in my lap that I held like a giant dick. It wasn’t caught until after the pictures were distributed. The principal called me to her office and ranted. But she never recalled them because her daughter was in charge of yearbook and class pictures. It’s been 30 years and I still chuckle every time I think about it. Hahaha!

  • PrincessCyanidePhx

    I graduated from a rural Colorado school in 1984. Kids always had chew in their back pocket on campus. Even in Jr. High. If there were after school games, people would chew out in the open.

  • Ok_Ad8249

    My Junior year we had a picture of a kid drinking a beer in his car at lunch. His dad was a teacher at the school.

  • MyBunnyIsCuter

    Nah, this was common. I remember seeing stuff like this in my sister and brothers’ yearbooks, as they were older.

    Keep in mind this was a time without mandatory seatbelts in sone places, no kids wore helmets to ride their bikes and it’s instrumental to mention that this was before ‘I’m gonna sue you if you do any little thing’.

    So, so much has changed just because of that last sentence.

    When I was a kid, teachers woud stand to the side, along the fence while we played in P.E. Know what they did? They smoked.

    Our P.E. coach regularly had dip in his mouth, lol

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