Monday, May 20All That Matters

This is why I don’t play WoW Classic anymore

This is why I don’t play WoW Classic anymore

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  • ookiespookie

    Is this your guild or something?
    While I get from experience that a good percentage of wow players are quite literally the most toxic cesspool you can find this side of League of Legends or Call of Duty, there are also chill casual guilds who seem to be able to have a good time.

  • johndoe73684168

    I play vr games but muted. People wave at eachother in some of the games I play. Something really good happens and partying gestures are not uncommon. That’s good enough for me.

  • ThunderdopePhil

    That, on a WAY less toxic way is what take me off WoW.

    It was like finding a job, you need 5 years of experience but nobody gave you the first opportunity

  • Bagline

    A couple general truths about raiding in WoW classic I’ve found. These people will have no shortage of victims to abuse so long as they’re still clearing content and appear to know what they’re doing.

    Anybody who says they don’t care about loot, is lying.

    The people who say they’re “hardcore” are the one’s buying gold/drops and logging on only 2 hours a week for raid.

    Many “casual” players think 8 hours a day is okay because it’s not 12.

  • venetian_lemon

    The game is so easy and there are still idiots that try to be hardcore with it. Glad I don’t play with garbage like that anymore, even if you humiliate them in front of Stormwind they still talking shit in Gchat. Fucking bozis

  • kog

    The best part is that WoW is frankly not a difficult game, and this guy is up his own ass about being “god tier” at something easy to do.

  • Academiopolis

    I played like a few month in Classic and got Serverfirsts for Rag and Nef but oh boy, I fucking hated it after a while. This whole Elitist Speedrun crap where you get flamed if you didn’t spend 2hrs before every Raid to get Worldbuffs was just too much.

    As someone who played back in 2005, I knew it would be very easy so I thought everything would be super casual and people would just have fun with Shadowpriests or Surv Hunters in Raids. Sadly people suck, its not the Game’s fault :/

  • Meshuggareth

    I can only play with people I actually know. It’s just not worth it for me. I have enough friends. Video games are supposed to be fun. These assholes make it gross.

  • No_Establishment7368

    This is what happens when you have no self-confidence and no control in your life. You kill a boss in a video game and then think that you’re legitimately achieving something and throw it in people’s faces. Billionaires aren’t even this toxic… let that sink in… the internet is a punching bag for people with severe mental illness.

  • Killerbudds

    From my experience most of the people in “top guilds” are all 20 something year olds that were kids when OG wrath dropped. Its pretty funny how people gatekeep/suck on their own ego over 15 year old content that was made way easier then back in the day and have extensive guide/write ups/videos to help them along. MOST and I mean most guilds just wait until they see a vod of some top tier guild and their strats and just copy/paste them into their own raids.

  • MakuNagetto

    Imagine how small and insignificant this guy’s insecurities make him feel like, when he’s reflecting so prominently to his immediate environment.

    Who tf would put up with this shit over a videogame?

    Hope he stays a sour motherfucker for the rest of his sad life.

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