Monday, June 10All That Matters

This is the way.

This is the way.

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  • Kee134

    I agree. Every boss fight in MGS1 is really well designed and fun imo. I think the metal gear series, as a whole, just has really good boss fights.

    And if it’s not obvious how to beat them, they call you on the codec to give you clues.

  • -Noksen-

    These don’t contradict each other that much.
    100s of attempts on story boss for average game on normal difficulty surely is not a good design. But the difficulty can feel good if it is fair. Souls series, Hollow Knight (especially DLCs), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne have their bosses capitalize on this. Even the Witcher 3 on highest difficulty can be challenging at times.
    – A good boss should also be memorable, and from experience pushover bosses are forgettable and feel unimportant. It is especially underwhelming when the game was building the boss up as a threat. Final boss from Witcher 3 – Ereddin even on the highest difficulty was probably destroyed by most of the players, which doesn’t feel right. Contrary Iris’s Greatest Nightmare along with the build up is difficult, interesting, and memorable.
    – On other hand, a boss can be good without being mechanically difficult. Again in Witcher 3, final boss of Hearts of Stone is not a traditional fight yet it still is a good experience. This not many people will share but Albert Wesker (Resident Evil 5, final boss) is more of a puzzle, than a mechanical challenge, and he is quite a good boss.
    – Going back to difficulty, Monster Hunter World and Hollow Knight DLCs are good examples showcasing that if a fight is challenging and fair, people will probably want more of that. Pantheons, new bosses, stronger versions of old bosses in Hollow Knight. Same goes for MHW. In Elden Ring – Malenia is an optional boss who is both tough and good, and is Blade of Miquella who never knew defeat. Dark Souls 3 – Nameless King.
    – What good boss does is strike emotions in player, make you think, make you appreciate the challenge (ultimately any boss is a challenge of some sort). Bosses who can be brushed off as a nuisance are not memorable nor interesting most of the times actually. You will not have a feeling of accomplishment, nor would you enjoy the fight if your opponent does not even try. And a good boss will normally be tougher than regular enemies, thus difficulty is more of a necessity.
    TL;DR: A good boss is strong, fair, memorable, makes player emotionally invested, makes player think, and is Malenia, Blade of Miquella, and has never known defeat.

  • nachardou4

    And tell me, what makes a good boss?

    The idea of a boss it’s that it’s there to be a challenge and test the player’s skill, also for plot reasons, you wouldn’t want a character that’s suppoused to be *way* too strong dying in like 10 seconds in a fight, they sometimes *need* to be difficult.

  • Sofaris

    In my favorite Video game I died once (not counting the mandatory death in the tutorial) over the course of 12 playthroughs and only one of those playthroughs was in New game +. I still had a blast every playthrough and I love the bosses.

  • milack787

    I remember dying on purpose or quickly reloading the checkpoint for the Deathstroke boss fight in arkham origins.
    One of my all time favorite bosses!

  • Todesfaelle

    Sniper Wolf was fun until you realized you can just use the Nikita to shoot around corners from the comfort of a wall or rock. It’s not as efficient or as fast but hey on the battle field something something something **sad music**.

    The real boss was Ocelot calling you out to not use turbo button in the interrogation room. Did it anyway. I’m kind of a badass.

  • iam4r33

    I will pick the best boss of past decade Sword Saint Isshin as a example:

    The story builds up to the confrontation from the start with the lore, characters and environment. Its a bittersweet duel. A boss fight is a plot point

    On the technical front: a boss fight is the test, u will need to use everything you have learnt to pass it.

    When the final blow is struck mixed emotions hit. Joy from passing the test the other from defeating a friend and spoiler

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