Saturday, March 30All That Matters

This is honestly the best description of Time Travel related stuff in any game (Quantum Break)

This is honestly the best description of Time Travel related stuff in any game (Quantum Break)

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  • farbekrieg

    look if you think im gonna stop fucking time eggs just because it destroys a few timelines you are dead wrong.

  • bobslapsface

    And it’s a fuckimg brilliant game too! Do yourself a favour and play it through! Bonus points for hobbits and Lance

  • bloode975

    I remember listening to this and just dying for 5 minutes, idk why but at the time it was so unexpected it pretty much was the only reason I gave the game the chance it deserved.

  • Iamanediblefriend

    Slightly related but…remember at the end of The Time Machine when they blow up the time machine and its like…literally a fucking time explosion? I am no time travel expert but I would think a time explosion would be bad for like….reality.

  • Hannover2k

    I just remembered I owned this and reinstalled it from the M$ store a couple weeks ago. It’s actually kinda good, except the 40 minute movies it tries to play between levels. That kinda takes me out of the game. For 40 minutes.

  • Machoopi

    This is up there with Looper.


    Trying to explain time travel in a realistic way seems like a waste of time. We all have to accept some amount of fantasy in the explanation anyway, so why not just move past it. Looper they more or less say this exact thing, as if saying to the audience “stop thinking about it and have fun with it”.

  • TheCowardIchabod

    This is the only game I’ve ever given up on beating. Fantastic story. But, the final battle was a nightmare. Watched the ending on YouTube.

  • Earthwick

    This game gets burried behind the game that came before and after Alan Wake anf Control were so good they stole the show. That being said I loved Quantum Break. Very under appreciated. Cool game mechanics, good story, really good graphics that still hold up.

  • TheMilliner

    Honestly, best time travel series of all time? TimeSplitters.

    The only explanation you ever get about time travel is “Shit’s fucked, the alien TimeSplitters are ruining everything with time travel, go fix it”. And then the third game added wormholes, which were basically explained as “If you see yourself in a wormhole, that means that in the future you will have done this to see yourself in the past”, ending that thread with a *super cool* quadruple wormhole setpiece.

    Most of the story was just jumping around to track signals through time left behind from someone *else* jumping around, culminating in a classic moment of “You just explained the villain’s plan *to* the villain before he actually *became* the villain, thus putting him on the path in the first place”.

    Doesn’t get bogged down in the details of time paradoxes or things like that, just has fun with the genre.

  • Little-Supermarket65

    Please consider the well-being of all timelines before engaging in time egg activities. #TimelinesMatter

  • Vi-Pe

    This game is so good! I get that a lot of people don’t like that there are 30-40min episodes after every chapter, but for me it worked really well.

  • LaserGadgets

    Time manipulation is something they did not really overuse yet! I would be up for a new game like Quantum Break, Singularity or Timeshift…

  • IrrelevantLeprechaun

    Xbox exclusives have a really good writing. Not like the woke brain-dead trash Sony keeps shoveling out.

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