Saturday, May 11All That Matters

This clip from Top Gear about global warming didn’t age well

This clip from Top Gear about global warming didn’t age well

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  • NdyNdyNdy

    Jermey Clarkson could say something today and it won’t have aged well by tomorrow.

    I remember when he did finally admit that climate change was real, before attacking Greta Thunberg in his next breath and then saying he can drive as many range rovers as he wants because he plants lots of trees on his farm.

    He’s less relevant now, but this has been an interesting reminder of what a clown he and his cohorts were and are.

  • kaze919

    I mean Clarksons not wrong when he says why the car. There’s a myriad of heavy greenhouse gas emitters like the shipping industry and aviation that produce way more greenhouse emissions that any do us will do in our lifetimes driving cars.

  • Wazula23

    Yeah, this is the decade where all the conservative knobs switch from “climate change is fake” to “theres nothing we can do about climate change”. Thanks guys, you’ve been a big help.

  • Kng_Wasabi

    These fools have always been a bunch of backwards Tory gammon. The only people who actually like them are equally repugnant car-pilled white boys. Fuck cars fuck top gear and fuck Jeremy Clarkson specifically

  • -CaptainFormula-

    As much as I want for automakers to not only make EVs, but *interesting* ones for a change, I’m under no delusion that it’s going to substantially turn the tide in global warming. You shouldn’t be either. (REE He’s a shill, lol)

    Literally get every single person to abandon their gas or diesel powered vehicle where it sits, never fire it up again, and get free electric vehicles to replace them (never mind the amount of lithium that would have to be stripped up out of the Earth’s crust and the amount of carbon that will release) and you’ve still only cut back on 20% of the world’s pollution.

    And I know you might think “Well, we have to start somewhere.” or “We have to do what we can, and 20% is a *great* start.”

    But 20% can’t and won’t happen. That was an idealized imaginary situation I’ve described. Even at the rate they’re being adopted, even if the adoption rate continues to climb, the pollution we make as a society climbs in tandem. And EVs do nothing to address the other 80%.

    I like them because I love the idea of losing 999 out of 1000 moving parts in the powertrain. I like the idea of making faces at gas stations, who won’t be able to push their product on me like a fiend anymore. I like the idea of reducing the demand for oil based products to lower the amount of taxpayer subsidies that the industry eats up.

    The only real good effect, pollution-wise, that EVs will have is if you live in giant human ant farm like New York or London. The number of local exhaust pipes gently farting will go down, so the city will smell better & have relatively cleaner local air.

  • Rune4444

    If you care about the environment you need to learn about nuclear. Then you’ll realize moaning about cars, recycling etc all are pointless unless we organize our economies in a way that properly respects energy, resources and mining.

  • -maffu-

    shouldn’t expect anything even approaching sense from that self-important cunt and his eager band of capering lickspittles..

  • ssstoggafemnab

    3 Oil tankers output more Co2 than all the world’s cars combined. Cars are not the problem.

    In other news Germany is shutting down the world’s most green source of energy known to man because politics.

  • AJLFC94

    Has anyone ever watch Top Gear thinking it was a serious show? The whole premise that made it successful as the 3 of them being dumb and doing dumb but funny stuff.

  • MuricanA321

    And now Clarkson minces about on his hobby farm extolling the virtues of nature and scenic beauty. He’s the ultimate boomer asshole.

  • bobdobbsisdead

    Is this going to be like their episode on bicycles that comes across all dismissive and mocking at first, then ends up being a honest plea to look out for cyclists and treat them with respect?

  • rampagingdikdik

    I think it’s worth pointing out that at this point in time (20ish years ago) the theory of climate change was very controversial. It’s fine to call people out on spreading misinformation, but worth keeping the context in mind.

    Also, the complaint of cars being unfairly targeted is somewhat justified. Even today we mostly ignore awful shit like cruise ships, military waste, planned obsolescence (and the environmental destruction the manufacturing processes cause), and the population crisis. It’s like if you saw billionaires taking large amounts of wealth from the population at large, but largely ignored that problem in favor of pointing fingers at poor people who steal items of little value in order to get by.

    Oh wait…

  • mariegriffiths

    I was in the audience for his Clarkson show. Not Top Gear but in the same vein. His guest that day was Jonathon Porrit. This was the famous occasion on which these two guys met. Clarkson asked the audience if there were any environmentalist in the audience. I was the only one to stick up my hand. He said to Jonathon Porrit look one. I don’t think this is in the edit of the show. Sadly but should be on tape somewhere. At the end of the interview. Clarkson said Well he ‘wupped’ me there. (beat him in the argument)

    I don’t think this made the edit too. I think I planed the seed of doubt in Clarkson to make him later become environmental and hence I take full claim to saving the planet from global warming. 🙂

    I’d love to see the full tape.

  • demosthenocke

    It aged fine. The alarmists have been consistently wrong for over 50 years. None of the “doom and gloom” has happened on the scale they predicted. Even if their warnings may someday be relevant, they’re not doing themselves any favors by overselling the threat. It’s literally “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” There has to be a wolf in that story.

    There are a multitude of factors to explain why earth is warming, and it’s not solely due to human activity with regards to CO2. The earth is fine. We will adapt to the coming changes and we will survive. Give this shit a rest already.

  • waresmarufy

    It is possible to be wrong about something in the past and then later admit that you were wrong. Its called growth

  • tangoshukudai

    I remember driving into LA from Las Vegas and seeing a smog layer over the city in the 80s that isn’t there anymore. This was cleaned up by smog laws in California and restrictions on carbs and the addition of catalytic converters.

  • RodneyRuxinAMA

    I mean, to play devil’s advocate, he’s not wrong; something like 71% of the world’s carbon emissions are created by a mere 100 companies, and the leading cause of greenhouse gas is electricity. Driving to work isn’t going to add a significant amount of problems to anything.

  • RalphNLD

    To be fair, if you actually think back to what the climate change debate was like back then (almost 20 years ago), this is almost “nuanced”.

    Back then this was still very controversial, specifically around *2004* when a lot of statistics display a sharp drop in public sentiment.

    It’s an outlandish opinion now, but back then it was a pretty mainstream opinion. I can imagine that in twenty years time we will look the same way at people who condone meat consumption for instance.

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