Wednesday, April 17All That Matters

There are low key A-holes and then there is this guy.

There are low key A-holes and then there is this guy.

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  • Holy_hell_Im_stond

    I wanna train so hard that I can flip cars that do this. Who’s gonna believe a dude came and flipped the car? No one. Is it unrealistic, yeah, but dude. Come on. I just wanna cause some mayhem when I see shit like this.

  • Ahandlin

    Park as close as humanly possibly to the driver side door. Then sit and wait. They have to climb through the passenger, look and feel like an idiot, and then know if your vehicle is damaged, you’re pressing charges. Easy!

  • kekkev

    I can guaranasstee that their thought process was something like “by parking on the line, no one can park next to me and accidentally scratch or ding me with their doors”, not even considering what a c*nt their being.

  • lt_catscratch

    There was a video on gram i saw the other day, there are 4 little gadgets with little wheels that slightly lift the car by grabbing the tires, and carry it for small distances. Remote controlled. Every parking lot needs one 😀 It wouldn’t work if the car is too close to the sidewalk or something but in the case of this photo, very handy.

  • mclaren231

    So I seen a p1 at in a Walmart parking lot the other day; did not take up two spots. The car was parked in-between the lines like a normal car. I was shook, not because of how the car was parked; it was the venue where it was parked.

  • Redawg660

    I see something like that in a parking lot and ask myself. Is this person that bad of a driver or are they just a selfish fucking bastard? I am allowed to park in handicapped parking spots due to my wife’s issues. I actually had an idiot park next to me so close I could not get in the car. Fortunately her side was not blocked. It was not a parking spot they were in. It was designed for a handicapped person to be able to get into their car.

  • dcl131

    They tend to do that because of an issue with there being too much air in the tires. I suggest letting all air out from one tire and they should equalize.

  • themoonischeeze

    Just go park at the end of the parking lot if you’re in North America and don’t want anyone next to you. This even works at Costco the day before a holiday. North Americans are lazy.

    But I would also say if you have a car so precious to you that you can’t even park properly maybe have a practical vehicle as well. I really love my car, and it’s a simple car, but it’s job really is to protect me in the event of an accident, not to look pretty. This is why many people who have nicer cars also have practical cars.

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