Sunday, April 21All That Matters

The Silent Hill 2 remake looks nice but I would prefere if they remade the first one. I would like to play it but, being a PS1 game, the graphics and gameplay are very outdated and would ruin part of the experience (for me at least). I heard a few things but it seems to have a very deep story too.

The Silent Hill 2 remake looks nice but I would prefere if they remade the first one. I would like to play it but, being a PS1 game, the graphics and gameplay are very outdated and would ruin part of the experience (for me at least). I heard a few things but it seems to have a very deep story too.

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  • TheUndeadGunslinger

    ehhh I respectfully disagree. Outdated perhaps but I’d argue that’s what makes Silent Hill…well…Silent Hill and **intentionally** so. It’s one of the reasons why I’m so skeptical about the Silent Hill 2 remake.

    Edit: If they can do a remake in the same vein as the System Shock remake where they blended both the old and new to retain the game’s overall tone and aesthetics, then I’m all for it.

  • SnuffTheRooster93

    I want an OG Silent Hill remake, but I 100% disagree that it would be ruined for you playing it in its original form. Those graphics make the atmosphere.

    That’s exactly how you should play it, and that goes for all older games. Appreciate what they tried to do for the time, and experience the game warts-and-all.

    THEN play the remake(s)

  • lapqmzlapqmzala

    The graphics are still fine. It still creates a fantastic atmosphere, which was unparalleled at its time.

    The gameplay has always been rough, even back then. There’s a reason why Resident Evil still doesn’t do tank controls any more.

  • LaserGadgets

    I never understood why they won’t start with the first one. Remaster remake or whatever would be great after all these years!

  • bluejester12

    Some people seem to disagree with you, but I’m open to it. Some of the dialogue could flow much better in a remake. (Radio? What’s going on with that radio?). The limited graphics work in custcenes but not so much during gameplay. The sound and music still flow really well.

    The story is indeed layered and cryptic. I read a plot guide that really opened up the scary ideas possible in this.

  • onyx2234

    Sure the gameplay may not age well but it’s still playable and graphics the in game graphics I personally don’t mind it since it’s a PS1 game but the FMV cutscenes are still pretty good. As much as I love SH2 and 3 but I would love to see a modern remake of the first Silent Hill since 2 gets the most attention and these are still beloved games and SH1 deserves better.

  • Guilty_Impression_44

    I would love a remake, but the clunkiness is part of that era of survival horror. You’re supposed to be inept at combat so to speak, you’re just a regular joe not a samurai x) it adds to the tension, your butt clenches at the sight of zombie dogs!

  • Garlador

    I will always love the original, and those “bad graphics” even help me feel like it’s a nightmarish dream.

    But I wouldn’t say no to a remake that pulls it off.

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