Saturday, April 6All That Matters

The Nintendo Switch is not the reason this game runs so poorly

Been watching a good handful of reviews for these games and a good number of them blame the Switch itself for the games poor performance. The Switch clearly has no issue running other open world games like Breath of The Wild and Xenoblade 2&3. Both games that clearly have better graphics than the new Pokemon as well. The issues are solely from Gamefreak clearly needing more time and/or a more experienced team. Just annoyed at these “professional” reviewers that clearly don’t know what they’re talking about.

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  • LinkofHyrule

    It’s because GameFreak is so obsessed with continuing to use their trash 3DS ported engine. If they actually just used Unity or Unreal engine this wouldn’t even be an issue. Look at Ultra Diamond or New Pokemon Snap both of those look and run great because a third party made them in Unity and Unreal. GameFreak thinks they’re still making 3DS games and has no concept of console development it’s a total joke.

  • BlueMikeStu

    Gamefreak has been lazy since forever. This is nothing new.

    I hate to say it, but Pokemon fans are the reason for this. Scarlet and Violet can run like shit and it doesn’t matter at all because it will still sell better than anything but a Call of Duty game.

  • archninja64

    While the new Pokémon games do run poorly, other open world games still run badly on the switch too. I’ve played all the xenoblades and they definitely have their own frame drops and other issues. Maybe not to the extent of scarlet and violet, but saying the switch runs those without issue is a lie.

    Violet and scarlet are badly optimized. The switch is also a poor piece of hardware. Nintendo can do better and people will pay more for better hardware. Game freak can also do better. Both can be true at the same time.

  • TacoManifesto

    I am completely shocked that a modern day Pokémon game is lazily optimized. Who could’ve seen this coming, every game since sun and moon has been so good!


  • AtomicWreck

    People also keep calling gamefreak lazy, which I don’t like entirely. The developers for the game are rushed and pushed in order to complete games on time, leading to problems like these. The higher ups are mostly the problem. Pushing for a game that requires a lot of work and effort whilst allowing for only a limited amount of time. I remember hearing stories about how developers of some of these games would work so incredibly hard they would work so many hours.

  • TheBostonKremeDonut

    I don’t think anybody is blaming the hardware. If they are, they are probably super young or are just ignorant to game development.

    No company as huge as the Pokémon Company should allow Game Freak to continue to work the way they do. Don’t over work them, but Jesus give them more time and maybe even bring in some more experienced teams to help out.

    That being said, *I don’t regret my purchase.* I’ve been loving the game despite it’s bugs. It’s just sad that I can’t enjoy this product without, in a sense, supporting this kind of work and production.

  • Yulanglang

    Also people need to stop using ‘time constraints’ as an excuse for GF. Sure, it’s a fact but GF can also hire more talents to work on the game? Or ask other studios to co-develop? The only reason the game runs horribly is, Pokémon company doesn’t care about game quality and wants more money…

  • Grattiano

    I really am enjoying this game so far. There are a LOT of moments where the lighting can be super janky, the animations of background humans moving in the game is horrendously bad to the point where I honestly can’t believe this is a AAA game.

    That being said, the game allows me to run around, find, catch, play with, battle and evolve Pokemon and this time I can do it with friends.

  • T10_Luckdraw

    This same system has Breath of the Wild, Doom 2016, Xenoblade Chronicles II and III, and The Witcher III.

    There is no excuse.

  • Peacewalken

    Even if it was a limit on the switches hardware, that’s still gamefreaks fault. It’s not like they didn’t know Nintendo releases games on one platform only.

  • Yulanglang

    You can see so much white knighting in this thread. And that speaks volume why GF doesn’t care too much about the issues.
    I am having fun with the gameplay of Scarlet yet the constant frame drop and popping makes me nauseas. I haven’t encountered crashes but I’m also not to discredit other players who might have encountered it.
    It’s ridiculous that to some people, everyone is only allowed to love the game because they themselves do…

  • Viisual_Alchemy

    Why are people trying to defend the Switch hardware? It was underpowered even on release. 5 years later not a single platform update was released. Most 3rd party games run abysmally on the Switch. Regardless of PS/PV not being optimized and further refined for console experience, we shouldn’t be saying some bs like the Switch doesn’t have issues running games. They can run them… very poorly. Even Botw, that was a launch title runs at 30fps with its empty world.

  • kingdroxie

    They don’t need a more experienced team.

    They have like 100 employees. That’s absurdly low for a AAA title of a mainline game of a billion-dollar IP.

    They need more employees.

  • KneenexBox

    Have you seen the switch run Warframe? It’s practically seamless. The Pokemon team just dose not know how to optimize or doesn’t want to.

  • ThisIsTheNewSleeve

    If there’s one thing this whole debacle has taught me it’s how horribly broken the review system is for games. Somehow S/V are still getting 8s and 9s for a game that is just horrible-graphics and performance wise. Yes, it got many 7s as well but IMO so many reviews completely gloss over anything negative and just operate as a vehicle to sell games.

    Journalists need to stop being so generous with reviews. This game does not deserve anything higher than a 6. At least not in it’s current state.

  • sfPanzer

    We got frigging Witcher 3 on the Switch even. There’s literally zero excuse for this game to run this poorly while simultaneously looking this outdated. Gamefreak just isn’t a good studio and never have been if we’re honest.

  • Dynasuarez-Wrecks

    With revenue from Pokemon merchandise sales, someone could go on Ebay, to every Gamestop, *to every yard sale everywhere*, and buy back every Pokemon game ever sold since 1996 at full retail price, give them all away, buy them back again, give them away again, and *buy them back a third time,* and **they would still have $8 billion dollars left over**.

    Pokemon games don’t exist to sell Pokemon games. They exist to sell plushies.

  • ParsaDinarvand

    The problem is not the switch specs wise but the poor optimisation by the devs. Maybe if they delayed it, it would have run better and with a few bugs/glitches. It’s really annoying because I was really hyped for it. (Still enjoying it even tho there are way too many bug/glitches and sometimes it looks like a PowerPoint presentation)

  • SuperMochaCub

    I’m currently scrolling Reddit and came across this post… I’m doing so cos my game crashed and I cba to boot it back up 🤣

  • Hatesucks713

    To this day I will never understand why Pokémon doesn’t do a single version like back in the day I understood they wanted to promote trading and friendship. Now that we have online gaming what’s the point other than just a fucking cash grab.

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