Saturday, July 6All That Matters

The largest player in college basketball, the 360-pound Conor Williams of St. John Fisher drops two assists—one after rolling his ankle and getting back up

The largest player in college basketball, the 360-pound Conor Williams of St. John Fisher drops two assists—one after rolling his ankle and getting back up

The largest player in college basketball, the 360-pound Conor Williams of St. John Fisher drops two assists—one after rolling his ankle and getting back up from sports

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  • Darth_Kahuna

    *The two man, sports medicine majors, tasked w stretchering inj players off the court who couldn’t walk were extremely grateful he got back up after the injury on his own power…*

  • CRoseCrizzle

    This clip is a couple weeks old iirc.

    He’s actually kind of promising. He’s only a freshman and is about 7 feet tall. He is very skilled. He is a good passer, has decent hands and can make 3’s.

    If he loses at least 80 lbs and has a good S&C coach to help him transform his body, he could end up being a really good player, perhaps even transfer up to D1.

  • winstontemplehill

    How TF is he playing on a college team

    Like I appreciate how encouraging everyone is being but seriously…they couldn’t find any better athletes in the school??

  • numbskull84

    People asking how he is so big: St John Fisher is located in Rochester, NY, a town which is famous for a dish called the Garbage Plate

  • 123hig

    I was a running back in high school, so the linemen were all my best friends. We played a lot pickup basketball before and after the weight room.

    If you just playing a halfcourt game of like 4 on 4 where things are kinda crowded… A big fat guy with who is money from three and a facilitator is such a cheat code. Cus they don’t need to run around a ton, Boxes everyone out and allows leapers to go get the ball. Set devastating screens. Their girth just creates space for themselves to get off baby hooks. Also they sweat a ton so no one really once to get up and guard em tight.

    Basketball with football players is very fun. It’s like what I imagine early 1900s football was like in that no one is skilled but everyone loves being physical so the game is really fun to play but probably stomach churning to watch.

  • WayneKrane

    He must eat an enormous amount of food to stay that big. In my freshman year the guy across from my room was in football and had massive muscles and was built like a tank. He ate 5 full plates of food for every meal and he barely had a belly because of how much he worked out (like 5 hours a day).

  • alwaysmyfault

    Goddamn, that’s a big boy.

    He needs to work on his cardio and watch what he eats, or he’s going to have some serious health issues in a few years. I understand he’s tall af, but he’s also fat af.

  • OGBananaKush

    Am I the only one blown away that this dude is ONLY 360lbs? He’s apparently 7’ tall.

    I am personally 6’6” and 360lbs and I think I actually look slightly leaner than he does. If he’s truly 7’ I would guess he’s closer to 425lbs.

  • seambizzle

    Can we please stop with this. Those passes were nothing special and were pretty routine. If a basketball player didn’t make this passes he would be benched.

    We all know the real reason why this video keeps being posted. Give the guy a break my goodness. Fat guys can be athletic there are plenty of us.

  • chrischrisjj

    Played against him in eighth grade when he was only 6’5. He had at least 25 on us we couldnt do anything against him in the paint.

  • blitzinger

    They zoom in on him on the sideline with the crack of his ass showing. Idk if I’ve ever seen anything like this in sports. I’m not gay, but I want to see more of this guy

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