Monday, April 8All That Matters

The Day Before has been delayed/removed from Steam

The Day Before has been delayed/removed from Steam

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  • eawardie

    I’m not saying I don’t believe this story. But what a coincidence, they just gained another ~~4-5~~ 8-9 months of development time.

  • Stalin429

    So they announced the game without buying the trademark name…sounds fishy or just straight up mismanagement from a business perspective

  • The_Duke28




    What a shitty excuse. Those fuckers didn’t have a game in the first place. It was all to promote their shitty Teams-Clone-App and whatnot. Everyone thinking this might have been a good game – it never was and it never will be. Those 2 russian boys are scamers and thats it.

    Turn around and spend your money on actual, released, good games. You’ll thank me.

  • Immediate_Reality357


    This game like that game Abandoned are a fucking scam, wake up people

  • Blacktimberlands

    Everything about this company screams scam to me im sorry. But itā€™s a bunch of russian dudes copying other games and hoping itā€™ll be fun. Using the gameā€™s name and hype for a 5 minute advertisement of their work from home app. I hope people refund their asap because never in my life have i seen a game development this shady. For a full priced game even

  • m3ga7r0n_reddit

    The video from ForceGaming basically laid out the Dev’s track record of them abandoning games they’ve made. It is no surprise that they announced the game without buying the trademark, whole thing smells like a scam

  • majorpickle01

    Look up the dev’s previous work and history and this won’t be a surprise. They probably just didn’t have it in a good enough state to milk for a month before abandoning the project

  • ZazaB00

    This isnā€™t even funny anymore and this company should just be blocked from any and all coverage. Whatever theyā€™re doing here, it isnā€™t a game, but some weird ass scam/marketing that no one should give any attention.

    Iā€™m guessing Steam forced them to show proof of a game and they couldnā€™t provide a damn thing. So Steam is protecting its image by not associating itself with bullshit.

  • Andulias

    I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.

    Wanna bet around October their neighbor’s pet dog will eat their ~~homework~~ source code, “forcing” them to push the release date to 2043?

  • Omega5632

    If this is true, this is just sheer incompetence. You always register your trademark before you even ANNOUNCE the game. Why? So shit like this doesn’t happen ever. If this is false, well that might be worse because it screams a lack of confidence in their own development and lack of critical planning that obviously extends down to the game itself.

    Neither scenario paints a great picture of this game and company.

  • vilinamety

    WAHAHAHAHA What a fucking joke. How convenient, that just before they are supposed to launch a video with actual gameplay, the game NOW suddenly gets taken off of steam for some bullshit ass claim. Shut the fuck up you scam company, and go back in your hole.

  • Silantro-89

    This felt like vapourware for a while. It looked like the Last of Us crossed with The Division from a studio not backed by a Sony or Ubisoft sized company.

  • yapyd

    >As you know, our game was announced in January 2021. At the time of the announcement, They Day Before game trademark was available?

    Lmao. Most companies/game studios would have registered the trademark before announcement and they didn’t register in the 2 years since.

  • Shadow88882

    I’m fairly certain legally this excuse is wrong. They can prove “first use” trademark easily which would overpower the registered trademark. Also just because you register it doesn’t give you power, you still have to prove use and that its confusing your product with theirs, and as far as I can tell no other game is listed by that name.

  • Hossman687

    Didnā€™t have the rights to three words, going to delay the game 10 monthsā€¦..

    I donā€™t believe you.

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