Friday, April 26All That Matters

The arc continues. COD devs react to Game Awards joke.

The arc continues. COD devs react to Game Awards joke.

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  • ThinePants

    Solid joke, mostly because everyone in the room knew it was apt, even if not everyone thinks it’s “deserved.” Ultimately, it’s a jab at management, at the ceos, not at the devs, though they’re the ones unfortunately catching the swing.

  • Dragonfire14

    I was wondering if this was scripted or not. I can’t imagine TGA would let shade be thrown at any potential partners, so I thought it wasn’t scripted. These replies make me feel like it was indeed not.

    That being said, developers…can you really think that CoD has a level of quality that GoW has? You are making different things, CoD is a product that’s sole purpose is to make money. GoW is an experience that is meant to be enjoyed. Yes GoW’s aim is to make money too, but they do that by providing the best experience they can. CoD makes it’s money with yearly releases and constant flow of microtransactions.

  • FuzzNuzz180

    Just shows where their mindset is as devs on that team.

    Talking about engagement after the game is consumed.

    Like yeah God if War was a story played to be enjoyed experienced and put down not designed on how to extract as much cash from people’s wallets then call it “engagement”

    Then talking about metrics? Cool more people have played your annual game instalments over two decades but I bet hands down the people that played GoW will have preferred that one game out of anything you’ve churned out at the chum factory that is CoD development.

    The third comment imo is fair, to point out that your peers don’t have to drag you at a celebration of your industry is a reasonable response.

  • Konabro

    Yikes! Can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Like all art, it is subjective and open to criticism from all sides. This is absolutely embarassing for the CoD devs and I hope someone of note blasts them for it.

  • Duck_Duckens

    Yeah but one of those franchises is gonna go through history for being an iconic narrative by a respected studio and the other one is gonna be remembered as the Fifa of shooters.

  • Davajita

    A “peer.” Chris is an actor, not a game dev. He comes in, does his mocap and VO, and leaves. He doesn’t deal in any way with the development cycle and resources management of the game. Butthurt corporate whiners can’t take a joke.

  • ItsOverMate266

    “Our game beats god of war by every metric 🤓”

    Yeah that’s why the internet blew up calling it ass cheeks for a week straight, then everyone immediately moved on and forgot about it shortly after.

    I also suppose the 2/10 review rating is a smashed metric too right? Or the thousands of screenshots of people showing them refunding the game on launch? Smashed metric. Or the amount of broccoli haired 11 year old zoomers stealing mommy’s credit card to buy $20 skins? Smashed metric. Like congrats guys, you beat god of war there.

    instead of trying to clap back, maybe these Devs need to re-evaluate why their contribution to gaming is completely meaningless and unwanted by anyone who was born before 2015 and is constantly clowned on by even their fellow peers.

    (Hint: it’s because both you and your $70 dlc games are absolute jokes nobody respects.)

  • 0neek

    Imagine if Game Awards was big enough to have a Ricky Gervais level host rather than Geoff and did that level of roasting to bad devs.

    COD devs would be weeping lmao

  • LifeBuilder

    “$hort user engagement”

    As of CoD is any better. Micro transactions are not user engagement. and if anything: you CONSUME your fanbases wallets. Your horse ain’t that high but you better get down before you hurt yourself.

  • Acid_Fetish_Toy

    I haven’t played either (because I suck with consoles). I care more about GoW than CoD because one has a story and the other is regurgitation

  • IStanHam

    it was a VERY light hearted joke about the FACT that the COD campaign is short, i mean it is, no way around that. He didnt come out and say COD sucks, or insult the devs, like damn, relax.

  • TheRealYou

    It’s okay CoD, you still took up more hard drive space than the entire Game Awards probably does in 4K. Maybe there’s an award for that somewhere.

  • Thecage88

    My man Teal’c has been killing gods across two universes for the last 25 years. I’m sure he can take on these whiney devs and there puny egos

  • Brimstone747

    I’d take one God of War Game over 20 Call of Duty games. Instead of CoD Devs showing how fragile their egos are, maybe they should focus on the quality of their content.

  • fuckR196

    I like how they pull the “user engagement” card – literally speaks volumes about their core beliefs. They don’t give a shit about making a quality product or providing the user with an amazing experience, the only thing that’s important to them is you keep playing and you don’t stop. Creating addictions and whales.

  • TheR3aper2000

    Lmao guess he struck a nerve, rightfully so.

    Maybe these devs in particular should be less offended and egotistical and actually make a good game

  • CorellianDawn

    I cant believe the COD devs walked up on stage and slapped him in the face and told him to get their games name out of his mouth…

  • CarbonYoda

    If you can’t have a sense of humor about your own job among your peers then… I dunno…go make another 5 minute campaign or something

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