Sunday, May 12All That Matters

Ten years of Musk’s lies, detailed

Ten years of Musk’s lies, detailed

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  • Tad-Disingenuous

    You do know Thunderfoot leans heavily to the right, right? Isn’t like an automatic “oh don’t listen to them, they’re the enemy”.

    Cause any other time, Reddit would never listen to a right leaning person, based solely on their voting preference. Sounds like bigotry to me.

  • ListenThroughTheWall

    Trump Derangement Syndrome has morphed into MDS.

    Crazy how healthy well-adjusted people don’t actually sit around talking about that Musk guy all day, but as soon as you get on Reddit, people are fucking obsessed.

  • DrewOz

    So wrong. The entire video is nothing but attacks. It would have been great if he succeeded by 2017, but it didn’t quite work out, so lighten up.

  • neil454

    This video basically complains about Elon being late, but if you ignore timelines, the man has accomplished quite a lot, compared to others.

    It’s funny but the video he references is kinda true, Musk probably proposes aggressive timelines to work his engineers harder, and it seems to work.

  • JackFisherBooks

    Every video attacking or defending Elon Musk is bound to be contentious. And I’ve been following Thunderf00t for years. I even met him once in person. He can be stubborn and opinionated, but he usually does have a good nose for bullshit and won’t hesitate to point it out. Sometimes, he does go overboard. And with Musk, it’s tricky because he’s a billionaire, he has a cult following, and he’s eccentric, to say the least.

    But in the grand scheme of things, I feel like history is not on his side when it comes to delivering on his promises. He has a lot of big ideas, but those ideas rarely amount to much. And his comments during the COVID-19 pandemic were just flat out wrong.

    He’s not someone who you can take at his word. But he’s a billionaire. And what he does will impact our lives, whether we want it to or not.

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