Sunday, April 14All That Matters

Switch e-shop logic: bundled game price costs more than buying individually

Switch e-shop logic: bundled game price costs more than buying individually

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  • JediMasterOllie

    Always check bundles. Whether it be in the switch store or the grocery store. Some companies rip is off because we assume a bundle is a deal.

  • tea_snob10

    It’s actually the developer/publisher and not the e-shop/Nintendo in this case. They’re merely the seller’s platform and don’t control game pricing or discounts. Same with other platforms as well vis a vis Steam, the PS store, etc.

    As for why, that’s easy. In this example, the base game is £50. Those who want it, have bought it anyways (sales cycle). The question is how do they get people who are on the fence or those who otherwise wouldn’t have bought it at that price, to buy it. Here, they offer a bundle of the base game with the DLC included at £32.50 which I half the price of the game plus DLC normally. So if you weren’t buying the base game at £50, you now *feel you’ve snagged a deal* by getting the base game *AND* the DLC for a mere £32.50 (which isn’t even *that* low)

    All sales, discounts and bundles work on the premise of hooking a section of the market that otherwise would not have spent any money. This applies for other products as well. It’s psychology that companies exploit. People think they’re saving money with discounts when in reality, they’re spending money they otherwise wouldn’t have on a product they otherwise wouldn’t have bought.

  • Javerage

    The PS4 Spider-Man DLC bundle was significantly more expensive than just buying the DLCs on their own. I legit sat there for a while to figure out if it had something that buying them apart didn’t.

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