Saturday, July 6All That Matters

Started this game while in a depressive state of mind, haven’t played it in almost a year, happy to finish what I Started with a better mindset.

Started this game while in a depressive state of mind, haven’t played it in almost a year, happy to finish what I Started with a better mindset.

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  • orangecrushjedi

    Good on you for making a point to come back with a fresh, more positive mindset. I hope it makes you happy and that your truly enjoy playing the game

  • Interleukine-2

    You will enjoy playing this, I think playing and finishing a game after a break will be a more rewarding journey overall! Enjoy, you will love how the game develops 🙂

  • Thejokingsun

    The game can be frustrating, just remembee to not fully follow the map on the top right, it will mislead you.

    However this is a good game to play when sad since there is alot of cheery things that can make you feel bubbly. Yes there will be sad times but i mean it is still a great rpg choice for making oneself feel better

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