Saturday, April 27All That Matters

Stand by me was released 38 years ago today (1986). Based on the Stephen King short story, The Body, it was a critical and box office hit, and is now considered one of the best coming of age films of the 80s.

Stand by me was released 38 years ago today (1986). Based on the Stephen King short story, The Body, it was a critical and box office hit, and is now considered one of the best coming of age films of the 80s.

Stand by me was released 38 years ago today (1986). Based on the Stephen King short story, The Body, it was a critical and box office hit, and is now considered one of the best coming of age films of the 80s. from OldSchoolCool

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  • DeathisLaughing

    36* years ago…come on…no need to give us aging millenials even more anxiety in the face of the inevitable…

  • NickD1964

    I had read the short story before seeing the film……… unlike most book/movie experiences, I don’t recall preferring one over the other.

  • Moinder

    Watched this when i was 12 years left me with a sense of loss that i might lose my current friends then. Man, was the movie spot on.

  • rcknfrewld

    “The most important things are the
    hardest to say. They are the things you
    get ashamed of, because words
    diminish them- words shrink things
    that seemed limitless when they were
    in your head to no more than living
    size when they’re brought out. But it’s
    more than that, isn’t it? The most
    important things lie too close to
    wherever your secret heart is buried,
    like landmarks to a treasure your
    enemies would love to steal away. And
    you may make revelations that cost
    you dearly only to have people look at
    you in a funny way, not understanding
    what you’ve said at all, or why you
    thought it was so important that you
    almost cried while you were saying it.
    That’s the worst, I think. When the
    secret stays locked within not for want
    of a teller but for want of an
    understanding ear.”
    -Stephen King, The Body

  • poohslinger

    My former drama teacher was in it, so that adds another layer of awesome for me on top of it being objectively good (he played Eyeball)

  • mathpat

    Rob Reiner, great director and from what I’ve read a really kind hearted soul. He did The Princess Bride after this one.

  • jl55378008

    I named my dog Chopper, after the junk yard dog in this movie.

    Chopper went on his last adventure a few weeks ago. We had 17 good years together.

    Miss you, old buddy 🙁

    Really can’t wait until my son is old enough to watch this one with me.

  • GoodMerlinpeen

    An interesting detail about Stephen King is that when he was 4 he actually witnessed his friend get hit by a train when they were playing near tracks. He adamantly insists that he does not remember seeing him get hit.

    “The event occurred when I was barely four… According to Mom, I had gone off to play at a neighbor’s house – a house that was near a railroad line. About an hour after I left, I came back, she said, ‘as white as a ghost.’ I would not speak for the rest of the day. I would not tell her why I’d not waited to be picked up or phoned that I wanted to come home. I would not tell her why my chum’s mom hadn’t walked me back, but had allowed me to come home alone. It turned out that the kid I had been playing with had been run over by a freight train while playing on or crossing the tracks… My mom never knew if I had been near him when it happened. But I have no memory of the incident at all, only of having been told about it some years after the fact.”

  • Ravager135

    Hey! From the racks and stacks, it’s the best on wax! How ’bout another double-golden-oldie-twin-spin-sound-sandwich from K-L-A-M in Portland? Iiiiiiit’s…

  • TS750

    A fat lady barfed in her purse. The Donnelley twins barfed on each other, and the Women’s Auxiliary barfed all over the Benevolent Order of Antelopes.

  • amosmydad

    Kudos to Rob Reiner for buying the rights to King’s book “Different Seasons”. Four novellas, three movies: Apt Pupil, Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me

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