Sunday, April 21All That Matters

School district facing $1 million lawsuit after student injured during ‘promposal’

School district facing $1 million lawsuit after student injured during ‘promposal’

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  • AltC

    This is wild. At first I was thinking, it’s kind of a stretch that it’s their fault that a kid blew through a stop sign, but then they drop that the school approved that he’d do it, get pulled over and prom propose? Yeah… this was reckless.

  • shorthanded

    They’re gonna wipe the floor with this school district in court. Heart goes out to the motorbiker, what a bunch of idiots to allow this to happen

  • Robobvious

    I’m reasonably confident that when he was asked the cop probably thought the kid meant he would do a rolling stop through the stop sign, not plow through it doing almost fifty.

  • Drodriguez164

    Why couldn’t you just have the cop pull you over and have him say “oh you were going 2 over” or something small. Not fucking speeding through a stop sign at a school, also him just being completely unaware of his surroundings while driving. Should have never agree to let him do that.

  • JohnnyAK907

    Yeah all of this is bad. The school was 100% in on it because that cop car was in motion before the accident occured like he was expecting it. That the principal was riding shotgun makes it clear he was also in on it.
    I do agree with others though that what they “agreed” to was a rolling stop that, while technically illegal and would justify being pulled over by a bored SRO, was not just completely dipshit dangerous like blowing through that intersection at high speed the way the kid did. Again though that’s on the admin and the SRO for not clearly defining how the situation would go down and what they would allow.

  • bonzombiekitty

    First start watching it:

    “Why would the school be responsible? I guess maybe you could argue the parking lot is badly designed and allowed this sort of thing to happen… but that’s kinda a stretch”

    2minutes in:
    “Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh…..”

  • SuperSaytan

    Crazy that the principal is denying involvement. Caught on multiple cameras and was posted up in the car with the SRO and still lying

  • Kylo01

    I think that lawsuit should be for a lot more. Lot of stupidity going on with the resource officer and school administration. I’d ramp that up to $10mil

  • The_SugarPlum_Fairy

    I’d be asking for much more than $1M.

    This is so negligent on so many levels & the poor kid on the motorbike could have been killed & may have life-long issues as a result of this dumbfuckery.

  • poxonallthehouses

    I’m guessing the police and other adults weren’t expecting him to be going so fast as part of the plan – but obviously a dumb and dangerous idea regardless.

  • Traditional_Bad_4589

    Why would anyone agree to this? And why did he have to fly through the stop sign instead of just rolling through at a safe speed? Idiotic all around. I bet they were filming it for TikTok.

  • Bleezy79

    I cant believe the school would allow that without being 100% sure nobody was going to get hurt. Shitty situation for everyone now.

  • Subaru14

    There’s a big difference between not stopping at a stop sign and blowing through it in a parking lot at 40mph. The students an idiot for that. The administrator and officer are also stupid for not having set an appropriate area for this act to happen safely

  • Iminurcomputer

    What were the “terms” of this? The plan didn’t involve “ensure free and clear access to road” I’m guessing. Was 40mph in a parking lot discussed? I dont see how them “being in” on something means you no longer have any liability to watch for things on the fucking road….

  • doublek1022

    Wait a minute, let me get this straight… so the driver of the SUV was intentional when he drove super fast (like 40 mph in the school zone) so he’d get the school cops (who allegedly was in on this punk’d game) to stop him and give him a ticket, and that would be a sign that says “go to prom with me”?

    The only problem is, he accidentally hit the motorcyclist?

  • ThatsNotARealTree

    Me before watching the video : How could they possibly think the school district is liable for this?

    Me after : Holy fuck. That principal and SRO need to be fired and taken to court ASAP

  • death_by_chocolate

    Kid driving a Porsche through a stop sign *intentionally* with the assistance of the principal and the school safety officer in order to ask his girlfriend to the prom. In Chandler, Arizona. Which is in…wait for it…*Maricopa County*.

    Do I have all that right?

    I mean can you lean more into every shitty stereotype? Can ya?

  • cerrabus

    Honestly knowing all the facts, 1 million seems low. Depending on the severity of the brain injury, it might affect him for the rest of his life. The principal should be fired and never allowed to work with kids again… Insane to give permission for something like this.

  • hollow_bagatelle

    So, my initial reaction was like “WHAT?! Why would the school be responsible for some dumb shithead kid doing some dumb shithead stuff???”

    But after the video, you learn the school condoned a kid breaking the law to run a stop sign and get pulled over so he could “prompose” mid arrest. They were in on it, and so was the police officer involved. All of that led to another uninvolved kid getting hurt when they wrecked into them. So yea fuck ’em all. I think the school should have to pay the majority and the dumb shithead kid that ran into him should have to pay part of that lawsuit too.

  • JoelMahon

    16yo in a porshe…bet the principle and cop have indirect monetary incentive from daddy or mommy to be this dumbass kid’s wingman.

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