Friday, April 12All That Matters

Robin Williams and George Lucas discuss Starwars

Robin Williams and George Lucas discuss Starwars

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  • raylan_givens6

    a good number of the star wars fanbase don’t seem to understand star wars is a kids’ franchise

    i think people who grew up with it, expect star wars to adapt its maturity level and they (arrogantly) get upset when it doesn’t.

    its a similar perplexing phenomenon when adults review kids animated movies and get upset that it doesn’t cater to adults as well. they don’t have to, the main goal is to entertain kids. there are tons of movies i loved as a kid that i couldn’t watch today – its not that they’re bad now, its just i’m no longer the target audience

  • Canucks-R-Us

    What a load of hogwash. I loved C-3PO, Yoda and the Ewoks. I don’t know ANYONE who hated those characters.

    Jar Jar Binks was absolutely ridiculous.

  • qeadwrsf

    The theory that jar jar was planned to be the most evil manipulative sith lord in the universe but they scraped it because studios didn’t want to risk it is so dope though.

  • Unasked_for_advice

    Goes to show how out of touch and clueless George Lucas was about his own creation. I hated Jar Jar not because he spoke ebonics, but for how incompetent he was and the actions he did that caused problems.

  • ignost

    Personally I also hated C3PO. He was annoying, and some of his mistakes put his friends in danger. The fact that Lucas cites him as a defense for Jar-Jar hurts my head. The fact that the original Star Wars series was popular and profitable doesn’t mean it was perfect.

    He (and the superfans of the first trilogy) can’t admit any imperfection, instead trying to blame the fans. I love the original trilogy, but perfect it is not.

  • parabostonian

    I didn’t inherently hate Ewoks; they were kind of cool. What I had a problem with was Ewoks killing tons of “a full legion” of the Emperor’s best troops. It just wasn’t believable and it took me out of suspension of disbelief. If 3 foot tall humanoids with sticks and rocks could slaughter stormtroopers, how were these guys still holding the galaxy in an iron fist?

    Lucas’ original idea of it as wookiees and some sort of slave revolt would have been cool. And if he wanted to add in some Ewoks that knew the area or something, that could’ve worked too. Just not the like child-bows with stone headed arrows that even plastic armor would stop.

  • The_DevilAdvocate

    Calling Jar Jar a “comic” anything while speaking to Robin Williams is just wrong.

    Poop and fart jokes are barely comedy. George was as good at writing comedy as he was writing dialogue.

  • PC_user22

    he doesnt know what the audience liked and disliked. JAR-JAR is trash, the rest ended up being gold. Hes trying to justify jar-jar being hated by saying other original characters were hated…. naw bro. Jar-Jar just fucking sucks.

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