Friday, April 19All That Matters

Redfall is an absolute catastrophe of a game. Review by Skill Up

Redfall is an absolute catastrophe of a game. Review by Skill Up

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  • draGDer

    This has to be one of the worst AAA games released in the last 2 decades. Cyberpunk was bad and hated especially for the bugs and glitches and the unfinished state it was. This is worse cause , even without considering the bugs, this is a sickening example of how not to do game design

  • pofwiwice

    This game just looks like a piece of shit. Most of the broken new games at least have good graphics but this shit looks like Fortnite or something. Definition of half-assed.

  • EtheusRook

    “We owe that IGN previewer an apology because the game is actually that bad.”

    No, we owe the IGN player an apology either way. We shouldn’t be skillshaming previewers, whether they are journalists or otherwise, and the gaming community are the ones who actually look bad in those situations.

  • GameShrink

    Last bit of the review sums things up nicely. Live service games have severely damaged Bethesda, and Microsoft needs to step in and re-orient them towards high-quality singleplayer experiences.

    Being hands-off with your developers only works when the games they’re making are good.

  • superfluous_t

    Just had a quick go on gamepass, streaming, as I thought it cant be that bad – I’ll give it a tiny bit of leeway FPS-wise as I was streaming, but its really not very good. Doesnt help that the harbour you walk through right at the start has rocks and things that look like they were textured by someone whos never seen real rocks, or even rocks that are wet. Shooting enemies feels really lame, too, whereas other games can make it feel more impactful.

  • FusedQyou

    And shit like this will continue to happen as long as there is no reason to improve upon it. Keep preordering, dumbasses.

  • BlackAera

    Apparently Redfall was made by Arkane Austin, which helped to develop other games such as Wolfenstein and Fallout. Dishonored and Deathloop were made by Arkane Lyon, their main studio.

  • Informal_Exercise_88

    I was never going to buy this game BUT I watched that whole video and oh my, does that game look rough, half-baked and unfinished.. it’s almost like they were trying to make a “Borderlands” with vampires, yet had no idea on how to accomplish that.

    Makes you wonder, how you go from “Prey” to whatever “Redfall” is trying to be..

  • TheNaug

    Looks like alpha, or even pre-alpha, footage? The enemies don’t even path around chairs? Bosses can’t get up on containers? What… is this?

    A 70 euro game, apparently.

  • AllLogsGoToDevin

    Arkane is going down lately.

    I’ll be honest, played a few hours of Deathloop and couldn’t play anymore.

    This one now? Just looking terrible. Wonder if they lost a ton of devs or somethings.

  • Swordbreaker925

    I was worried i would have to split my attention between Redfall and WoW’s 10.1 update… glad I can focus on WoW lol

  • jonsbryhill

    man at first i thought the reviewers were being dramatic as usual but lick my balls and call me albert this game looks horrid

    anyone play the meme game Pandemic Shooter? looks on par with this

  • GunMuratIlban

    All those technical issues aside, the gunplay is horrifyingly bad! Yes, in a shooter. Shooting enemies is not fun, aiming doesn’t feel right, weapons don’t feel impactful.

    How can you even not get that part right in a damn shooter? I didn’t pay a single buck on this game, yet I still feel robbed.

    What’s even more hilarious is that the game basically has X360/PS3 graphics. I really have seen games looking better in those consoles. Yet they couldn’t even offer 60fps on Series X. What an absolute joke!

    I really cannot understand how Arkane, Bethesda and MS gave green light on this abomination.

  • Indercarnive

    So I’m an avid viewer of Skill Up, and I find it amazing he talked for 30 minutes and did not have a single positive thing to say about it. Normally even bad games have something you can highlight as interesting or good, even if it’s not enough to make up for all the other issues. I can’t think of the last time a game just had nothing. Like even if this game had all the technical issues (pathfinding, controls, AI, etc) fixed it still wouldn’t have been anything more than a bad Far Cry. I hope one day we get insight into the development story because it’s got to be spicy.

  • WolfofDunwall

    Lore dumps in notes/datapads/whatever is a trend I’d love to see go away in games. It’s the least engaging method of interacting with your story. Please stand here and read some text instead of … playing the game.

  • sodomnumse

    ~~”Makes you wonder, how you go from “Prey” to whatever “Redfall” is trying to be..”~~

    It’s a Microsoft game masquerading as an arkane studios / bethesda game.

  • 3G0M4N

    In two days MS will release statement saying “Redfall had 1 million players in 3 days exceeding our expectations” and everyone will go “see it was all hyperbole the game is a success!”

  • Purppou

    I started playing the game right after launch, the main thing that disappointed me about the game was that it doesn’t have performance mode on new gen consoles. playing at 30fps in 2023 is a joke

  • wildpeaks

    I guess someone wished on a monkey paw for Bethesda to be as good as Arkane.

    Seriously, I expected the game simply wouldn’t be my cup of tea, but this disaster makes me worried about the studio’s future.

  • high240

    I haven’t been a gamer in about a decade now I guess, still once every so often boot up a game, only to forget about it for months. Last game I bought that revived some enjoyment in games was the Hollow Knight one.

    But only because it was on sale as well. I cannot imagine paying 70 bucks for a game and then getting something like this…

    I would urge everyone to just not buy/preorder any games, until companies start to realize they actually have to finish something properly before asking a shitton of money for their game. As long as at least some people keep preordering, the suits up top will continue this shit. Underdelivering and raising prices.

    Very enjoyable review nonetheless, for someone who wouldn’t buy it anyway, but holy crap

  • Gallieg444

    The gaming industry has slipped into the profits over quality about 8 years ago now.

    We’re still sliding and only a few studios and game producers understand how to make quality games we’ll all enjoy.

  • geologicalnoise

    I still can’t get over the leg with 2 knee joints when stomping on a downed enemy. It’s so goofy bad.

  • lostalaska

    It was bundled with Xbox Gamepass PC so figured I’d try it out since I wasn’t paying $70 for it. Of all the shoddy design and half-assedry this game embraces the most baffling to me is no game lobby system for playing with others. You want to play with someone manually add their name to your friends list and invite them that way. No simple way to find a game to join others. This game is an embarrassing joke that I would have been pretty upset with had I paid $70 for. This game feels and plays like a $20-30 bargain game from the 90’s.

  • elementfortyseven

    game came out FUBAR but ngl, all I see from the countless social posts is that Skill Up has better marketing than Betty.

  • huck500

    After ‘fixing’ the controls, which are still pretty bad, I played for about an hour, and there’s a game there that’s totally my kind of game, and I enjoyed a lot of it… but I just can’t play it. It’s just too broken.

    It’s really heartbreaking that the studio that made three of my favorite games, and a couple of other good games as well, messed this up so badly. If it hadn’t been on Gamepass, I would totally have pre-ordered it, and been pretty angry right now.

  • pipitsugen

    So basically if you want your game to succeed, don’t put the word “fall” in the title.
    Babylon’s Fall

  • 1buffalowang

    It’s always surprising watching Skill Up. Not a lot of reviewers(maybe 3-4 I can think of) will straight say, no amount of patches/updates will fix this it’s shit please move on to your next game and don’t double down and make it live service.

  • TheDevilsAdvokaat

    One thing I haven’t seen mentioned yet is how the graphics look weirdly off.

    I’m fine with stylised games and graphics (I actually prefer them to “realistic”) and yet something about this game just seems off every time I look at it.

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