Thursday, April 18All That Matters

Random sticker behind a car

Random sticker behind a car

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  • UpperLeftOriginal

    Because my right to an uninterrupted commute is enshrined in the constitution, and protests are un-Amurican (except for the Boston Tea Party and women’s suffrage and civil rights and …)

  • WanderersEndgame

    How the pendulum has swung! In the 1968 election, presidential candidate George Wallace, governor of Alabama, promised that he’d run over any protester who knelt in front of his car. A popular line with his supporters. Everyone else saw Wallace as a holdout of a dying era. Little did we realize he was ahead of his time.

  • SearingPhoenix

    Pretty sure the last guy (Darrell Brooks) who tried this is serving 6 *consecutive* life sentences without the opportunity for parole and a few hundred extra years on top. Just in case.

    Turns out juries and judges don’t consider willfully running people over with your vehicle a ‘good look’.

  • Lazy-Floridian

    It’s legal in Florida. It’s a crime in Florida to block a road during a protest, but it’s only enforced against liberals. The first protest that blocked a road after the law was in place was a right-wing nut-job protest, and nothing was done about it.

  • Beneficial_Ranger925

    Question. If someone has this on the car and does drive through a protest or attempts can it be used against them in trial?

  • Boned_up203

    I’ve never understood the point of protesting in the road. Idc. It’s about left leaning or right leaning if you’re block traffic I am against you and your cause.🤣

  • ThrowAwayWasTaken999

    Hot take here – running over protesters is always wrong and absolutely should be met with legal justice, but I also don’t feel bad for people who get run over blocking roads.

    Like you know what road rage is like. You know how angry people get when you cut them off. You’re deliberately pissing off and antagonizing a lot of people who have nothing to do with the cause you’re protesting.

    I’m not saying you deserve it, but you took a lot of steps to put yourself at risk for it, so I don’t feel very bad for you.

  • Papagnau

    I find it ironic, that the only time murricans seem to care about “freedom” is when it pertains to doing shitty things to others.

  • RDO-PrivateLobbies

    I never understood protesting in the middle of the street and obstructing traffic. If anything thats how you get people to hate your cause lmao

  • The_Hero_of_Kvatch

    I got to say, as a left-of-center person, I absolutely hate road protests. They think it’s about awareness, but it’s just pissing people off. Win hearts and minds, not back pats from your buddies.

  • Joy2b

    How to make your defense lawyer cry in three simple steps:
    – buy an SUV tall enough that you can’t reliably see short pedestrians in front of you.
    – put this sticker on your car
    – I only had one or two drinks, I’m fine!

  • klgnew98

    You have the right to protest. You do not have the right to block me from getting to work to provide for my family. Keep your ass outta my way.

  • IronSavage3

    Paris is burning right now because they tried to raise the retirement age by two years. Airports all over Germany have been almost completely shut down because workers are demanding more holiday pay. In Europe when you fuck with workers everyone feels it. In the US when you fuck with workers Fox News will tell you why it’s all the workers’ fault.

    We are a broken country with no labor solidarity and bootlickers like the guy with this sticker are part of the problem.

  • FinzClortho

    If you are blocking the road with your “protest” that’s the risk you take. I’ll go slow enough to give you time to GTFO of the way. But the first mother fucker to hit my truck and I’m flooring it, you choose your own fate.

  • MoonlightRonin

    I love how conveniently the assholes who support this bullshit, forgot they also threw their little temper tantrums over masks blocking roads everywhere.

  • RoboticJello

    If this guy has any moving traffic violations, take his license away. These are the sort of Red Flags we should be looking out for. Openly saying you will murder people in your way. Nope. You can’t drive now and we should make a note if you own any firearms too. We can’t play this off anymore. Not when 40,000 Americans get killed by cars each year.

  • ProDiesel

    Solid message. Blocking roadways doesn’t do a god damn thing. Stop large corporations from going to work. That may help. Blocking minimum wage workers and capitalism slaves doesn’t do a god damn thing.

  • Cookiesniffer12

    People who put any stickers on the back of their car are cringe. If I can read your stupid sticker you’re going to slow and need to move over.

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