Monday, April 8All That Matters

Post-circumcision underwear: Winning never felt this easy AND comfortable

Post-circumcision underwear: Winning never felt this easy AND comfortable

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  • DEfusion69

    When i got circumcised at the age of 5, i had to wear a special type of underwear, that was just a normal underwear but with a plastic cup thingie in the front, with holes for ventilation. It was like a cone of shame and it looked like a massive boner whatever you wear on it.

  • vulcanfury12

    I got circumcised at age 10. It’s sort of a rite of passage where I’m from and it was actually me who had to force my mom to get the procedure done. Had it done in the summer durig school break. I had to wear skirts and dusters and other female clothing while it healed.

  • ack1308

    I’m reminded of the *Married: with Children* episode where Al had a back problem so he went into the hospital to have a ‘circular incision’ done on his back.

    So … instead, they circumcised him.

    There he is, sitting on the couch, miserable in a muumuu.

    And Peg is doing the housework which for some reason all of a sudden involves bending over in front of him in her tight pants.

    Halfway through, Al winces and you hear ‘PING’.

  • OneDayInAnotherLife

    I’ve had experiences with several men who have struggled in different ways after this…my observations are:

    * 10 year relationship with the father of my child. He was cut at infancy, but who ever did it misjudged his eventual size (he’s a big boy) and, he thinks, cut off too much. It has dramatically affected his ability to orgasm. This meant sex lasted 45 min (no complaints from me!), Can’t orgasm from oral, can only orgasm in certain positions. He was adamant about not cutting our son.

    * One guy who got it done as an adult. He was self-conscious about the scar and the skin discoloration so much so he commented on it every time we had sex.

    * I notice a difference in the sensitivity of uncircumcised v. Circumcized men. Not that I have statistical significance, but the uncut seem to moan slightly more.


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