Thursday, April 25All That Matters

Paul Giamatti Reacting to Jim Carrey’s Excessive Method Acting on the Set of ‘Man on the Moon’

Paul Giamatti Reacting to Jim Carrey’s Excessive Method Acting on the Set of ‘Man on the Moon’

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  • Elevenst

    Actors are supposed to act, and know when to turn it off. I’ve always found method acting to be a lame excuse to be an insufferable dickhead on set.

    Think about it. Has anyone ever method acted a *nice person* on set? We always hear about the over-the-top diva, the jerk, the eccentric… but nobody is method acting the hero.

  • olygimp

    This was way less interesting than I thought it would be, there was not exactly a point, or it was mild, in attempt to make it more of something than they gave evidence for in this clip alone.

  • Paddlesons

    I can sorta see it from both sides. A pain in the fucking ass to work with but also Jim is trying his best not to be typecast. Just a crappy situation.

  • Trachtas

    This is an ironic video, because Giamatti’s character Bob Zmuda is the *reason* this myth of “Andy Kaufman, Mindfucker” exists.

    Andy Kaufman was a popular comedian with broad appeal. He was a regular on TV shows. He got big laughs at his sets. He was super avant-garde, sure! A *genius*. But people got the jokes. He didn’t have a chip on his shoulder. He just wanted to entertain [his guests](

    Then he died. And his collaborator, Bob Zmuda, who had a MASSIVE chip on his shoulder, became the keeper of the keys. The connection to the Departed Artist. And guess what story he told reports, writers, filmmakers for decades to come? Guess who Jim Carrey reached out to understand his hero?

  • dashauskat

    I’m a bit whatever about using the method to get the most from his acting

    BUT the most uncomfortable part of the doco by far was when the family of Andy Kaufman came in to speak to “Andy” through Jim Carey’s character. I generally enjoy listening to how Jim Carey sees the world around him but this felt like a giant step too far.

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