Wednesday, April 17All That Matters

Ossie Davis on Louis Armstrong about how he used to ridicule the Jazz legend and what made him stop.

Ossie Davis on Louis Armstrong about how he used to ridicule the Jazz legend and what made him stop.

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  • pedantobear

    This is exactly the kind of human connection and empathy that the world today so sorely lacks. Self-reflection sadly doesn’t seem to fit well in 240 characters.

  • Xu_Lin

    This was very sobering indeed. What ever it is that another person does (or one for that matter) to make it through, we should commend them for that, for they are us, perhaps during worse (or better) times.

  • Cottonjaw

    Ossie Davis is an absolute gem of a human being. He lived down the street from me growing up. This was after “Grumpy Old Men” and a lot of his big movies. He still lived in a very modest (but very well kept!) house in our firmly middleclass suburb. He let us kids cut through his yard to get to the block behind his, he’d fetch frisbees and baseballs and whatever else out of the fenced in portion of his yard and leave them out on his porch for us to collect later.

    Big candy bars on Halloween, participated in the neighborhood club, used my dad’s shop for all his automotive work. He drove luxury cars (Cadillac Seville iirc) but he kept them a long time and maintained them, wasn’t always swapping out for something new like you might expect.

    He was so genuine and down to earth, that it didn’t really click with me how famous he was until I was much older and he had already passed away.

    RIP Ossie, the Dewey Crewey misses you old man!

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