Tuesday, April 9All That Matters

only the one, TRUE goat will come out on top

only the one, TRUE goat will come out on top

only the one, TRUE goat will come out on top from gaming

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  • horse3000

    Just finished GoW. Felt just like GoW 2018. It is great, but not even close to Elden Ring.

    God Of Wars combat makes you feel nothing like the “God Of War”, it shouldn’t take Kratos 20 hits to kill a random lizard.

    But the game is just a continuation of 2018, nothing to crazy.

  • OfficeWorm

    God of War was fun and amazing. But it felt more like a game inside a movie. Elden Ring is a chad VIDEO GAME that doesn’t give a fk about ur feelings. You actually play to beat the game in Elden Ring.

  • Background-Fault-171

    both are masterpieces, but the thing is i didnt got bored even for single millisecond in elden ring, whereas there were times in gowr, where i just felt like rushing through everything because it got tedious and i just wanted the story part of the game which made it feel like a movie and less of a game unlike elden ring where everything felt just perfect, story, combat, music, exploration, open world, just everything was perfect. P.s not saying elden rings story was better, just saying that it was the right amount of story delivered to be called a “game” and not a “movie”.

  • GimmeSomeCovfefe

    Having spent enough times with GoWR, I can say it’s been a very enjoyable story so far, but it was easy to put down here and there, I actually still haven’t finished it yet and have been staying away from spoilers but I’m really not in a rush. I can’t say the same for Elden Ring where I wasn’t able to put it down and have put hundreds of hours into it. To me, that’s the sign of a better game.

    Ultimately, GotY is a meaningless awards, but seeing people actually review bombing Elden Ring over something so meaningless and acting like shills for developers who don’t care anywhere as much as they do over this thing (sales matter more), it will be funny when Elden Ring inevitably wins it and make all those silly efforts meaningless.

  • Aggravating_Age_5885

    Can’t wait for the results. No matter which one wins it will be a really enjoyable shit fest to watch from the side lines XD .

  • bukbukbuklao

    GOWR is amazing and one of my favorite single player experiences in a long time. But Elden ring just has that secret sauce that puts it above everything else. People talked and tried to discover more about the game weeks/month after the game was released it really was a gaming moment that doesn’t come often during that time frame.

  • lockenchain

    Everyone getting into serious discussion of GoW vs Elden Ring, meanwhile I’m just laughing my ass off seeing Goat Simulator 3 come in with the swing outta nowhere every time.

  • Martin_crakc

    Dear god, are all redditors blind or braindead, mfs really didn’t see that the point of the meme is that out of fucking nowhere goat simulator 3 appears, this post is not an actual Gow vs elden ring post, it’s just a Goat simulator shitpost, just read the title again too.

  • 0zby

    God of War and Elden Ring are both excellent titles. I favor Elden Ring but both are incredibly strong contenders. Really happy that both developers were able to make these passion projects.

  • PhoenixAsh69420

    Both are great games. I like GoW a lot better but I won’t be mad if Elden Ring wins because I’m not a dumbass who thinks my opinion is fact like some people and can see that Elden Ring is a very well made game. Just not for me.

  • nickhoude21

    At least elden ring players are allowed to solve their own puzzles, even if those puzzles are “how do I survive a fucking meteor” or “who the fuck is the albinauric woman”

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