Monday, April 8All That Matters

Oil company Shell’s acts of pure evil in the Niger Delta

Oil company Shell’s acts of pure evil in the Niger Delta

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  • Greg_Strine

    I once wrote Phil a physical letter asking him to focus more on real news and less on youtuber drama. I’m proud of him, what a beautiful bass

  • iamapizza

    It’s awful how Shell is making every effort possible, legal and mental gymnastics, to avoid having to pay and help clean up their mess. I think it gets very little media coverage because it makes us, the populations that depend on companies like Shell, uncomfortable. And our reaction to being uncomfortable is to shift the blame onto something else, anything else.

  • LordAnubis12

    Time to wait for the videos and articles about lithium mining and how bad it is to appear everywhere in the next few days.

  • maccorf

    Dunno who this guy is, good story but holy moly, the hand talking. If it’s related to some sort of neurodevelopmental issue, okay, but if not, that’s wayyyy too much.

  • HenkBatsbef

    But their tv commercial is showing happy people in green environments powered by renewables, all thanks to shells well-being and care for the planet. They surely wouldn’t be just making that up now would they?

  • wearless

    Fucks sake, I know everyone loves to jump on the “let’s all hate on the oil company” bandwagon, but let’s try to have some perspective here. Shells pipeline was sabotaged by locals trying to syphon oil who went on to set up makeshift refineries in the delta, effectively poisoning their own land. End of story. Shell isn’t even operating on the mainland anymore and this sure as hell isn’t their fault. They are one of THE most ethical oil companies out there. I know nobody wants to hear that, so sorry to burst the bubble.

  • EchoChamber187

    He glossed over the piracy problem. They don’t just tap into pipelines. They cut the pipeline and allow the flow of oil into the waterways after filling unsecured drums…then they leave with the oil continuing to contaminate the water and land. This happens at hundreds of locations weekly.
    I know this because I was asked to create a security plan to mitigate such events. I included in my plan a policy similar to Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend. Obviously, that didn’t go over so well…

  • Fit_Cheesecake_2190

    If laws are not passed to curtail this kind of behaviour expect it to continue. Don’t blame shell, they are running their business in the area in the most profitable way the LAW allows. Blame the leadership, who I assume are taking kickbacks for allowing this to happen. Actually, blame both.

  • Ilovemachines

    Why no one is talking about all the Oil stolen from pipelines by the local Nigerians?

    Most oil spill happens because of local thieves.
    Weak on crime and prosecution is the main reason for the oil spills

  • runningmurphy

    I feel like I need to get back on Adderall to keep up with this guy. A bit nauseating there are no pauses in his speech.

  • SpectralSolid

    what don’t you people understand, infinite growth means the line goes up regardless of who dies. not one of you gives an actual fuck to do anything so the line will always ALWAYS go up. record profits.

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