Tuesday, April 16All That Matters

Odds were against us back in 1995 just before facing teenage pregnancy. She turned into a great mother and we’re still going strong 26 years into marriage.

Odds were against us back in 1995 just before facing teenage pregnancy. She turned into a great mother and we’re still going strong 26 years into marriage.

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  • Hussaf

    It can def happen! A young couple in my small, Catholic, high school got pregnant their senior year. All they heard was they are doomed and got ostracized. Now the guy is the mayor of that town.

  • multiparousgiraffe

    Amazing job stepping up and forming a family rather than falling apart. It takes some tough people and maybe luck for that to happen. Hope my husband and I are in it for the long run, we had our first 9 months after high school graduation and got married at 18. We’ve been together 7 years now.

  • Iveneverhadalife

    I really wish baby mama and I could of made it. I was 21 and she was 18 when we had our first. We made it 12 years but most of that was a constant struggle.

  • beenburnedbefore

    “17 in a small town
    Weak knees in a CVS
    Door locked in the bathroom
    What’s it gonna be waitin’ on that test?
    Never thought that they’d be
    Puttin’ those life plans on the shelf
    A couple American babies raisin’ one up their self”

  • savedbytheblood72

    My whole family is divorced, they told me never to get married.


    I end up knocking up my high school sweetheart .
    both from heavy Catholic backgrounds. It was kind of a bad thing. We end up eloping in Las Vegas, came back. We’re still going strong.

    We have one daughter in the military and one who’s about to become a scientist. All we can do is be the example.

  • jlacar

    Congratulations! Had to take a second look because my wife and I got married in December 1995 and had our first child in January 1997 and my wife still isn’t a grandmother yet, much less a great grandmother. Then I realized you wrote “great mother”. Wishing you another 26 strong years of marriage.

  • twoBrokenThumbs

    Same bro. Got together way too young around the same time, but we made it work. Congrats to overcoming the challenges and committing to her and your family. Tell her happy mother’s day from me and my wife.

  • RockLobsterInSpace

    “just before facing teenage pregnancy” like it was some unpredictable thing that just happened out of the blue with no warning.

  • Germanofthebored

    I am glad that things worked out. But i can’t help but wonder what could have become of her if she hadn’t turned into a mother. I am glad to be a parent, but I am also glad that I had a chance to explore the world before that

  • Mymarathon

    I’m glad it worked out for you. It didn’t work out for me. Can’t say I’m not just a little bit bitter tbh.

  • bigrob75

    Same here, 1993 my GF walked across HS graduation stage 5 months pregnant.

    Til this day I can’t remember positive support from the majority of adults in our families.

    30 yrs later (married 29) still going strong w a 30yr son and 21 yr old daughter ….both college graduates and a 16yr still in the house!

    Congrats to ya!

  • ggrizzlyy

    1980 here, still going strong 43 years later. Feels good succeeding when the odds are against you doesn’t it.

  • Top_Environment_6357

    That’s amazing!
    Here I am at 42 pregnant and trying to figure it out with the Baby daddy🤦‍♀️


    Same here OP. 1996, 17yr old g/f got pregnant, we got married, coming up on our 27 year anni in a couple months.

  • bassplayah72

    This is truly old school cool. You can take stabs at the choices he/she made, how old she was (I don’t know their ages but based on the photo it looks like they’re within a year or two of each other) and whatever other judgemental comments are certainly out there. If they’re still together (and OP is posting about it) I assume it’s because shit ended up working out.

    That’s hard in 1995. Also every year up to now and since time began, so kudos to you guys. Unintended pregnancies suck – for teens, for established couples, for one night stands. OP and his partner made a decision and stuck together to support it, and for that, I tip my cap to you both. That’s not easy.

  • Fantastic_Depth

    Happened to my wife and I. We got married in the mid 80’s she was 15 I was 17. Almost to our 40th Anniversary.
    4 Kids, 10 Grand kids

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