Thursday, April 18All That Matters

[OC] This picture behind a bathroom door at the ER.

[OC] This picture behind a bathroom door at the ER.

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  • Uu_Tea_ESharp

    On the one hand, I’m relieved that there’s only one sticker missing.

    On the other hand, I’m dismayed that there’s a sticker missing.

  • dustyspectacles

    The coolest one of these I’ve seen is at Love’s truck stops. On a road trip pre-covid I noticed that every Love’s, without fail, had trafficking help signs in a cornucopia of languages on the back of every stall door.

    Wholesome company, I hear from truck friends that they have nice showers for drivers too.

  • mutachuta

    This shouldn’t be posted. I know it will be, but shouldn’t.
    If the abuser sees this stuff then they won’t even let the victim go get medical attention just in case.

  • Curi0usMama

    Except when people share these signs on social media the sex offenders, violent offenders, and human traffickers will be more the wiser.

  • BrightGreyEyes

    Stop posting pictures of this kind of stuff. The whole point of them is that only the people who see the sign know what it is

  • Dreddguy

    There’s a ‘put a penny in your pants’ at UK airports. It’s for girls being taken abroad for female genital mutilation.
    The metal detector picks up the penny. The girl is taken somewhere private to voice her concerns.
    I hope it works.

  • berkeleyjake

    When I took my wife in to deliver our daughter, they isolated her for a few minutes to make sure she wasn’t being abused or something else. It was super awkward for me, especially because it was totally obvious they were doing it with other people and nurses waiting next to me at triage.

    Edit: the main point I was trying to make wasn’t that this is something that shouldnt be done or that I’m the victim here, it was that the subtlety was missing and they did it in such a way that it lacked the privacy that hospitals should be known for.

  • mscordia

    these kind of things are behind the doors for a reason. if you keep sharing them for internet points the abusers will know what to look for.

  • BA-photography

    What a brilliant idea! I can only imagine the relief someone in those horrible situations would feel knowing help is just a blue sticker away.

  • Indymac79

    Years ago, my then fiancée had a medical emergency that warranted a call to EMS. I was at home with her when they arrived. After an initial assessment, they insisted on speaking with her in private, which I promptly obliged. They privately asked her if she was in danger of any kind with her SO, and she said no. She joked with me and EMS about it afterward just because the notion of me being abusive was comical to her. We expressed our gratitude to the EMS personnel for advocating for their patients in that way. That was over 18 years ago, and my wife and I fondly recall that experience.

  • PopeKevin45

    Is it wise to advertise this tactic to every slimeball abuser out there? Maybe some things are just better left off the internet.

  • Pa_Pa_Papas

    These are cool, but I wish people would stop sharing them. They only work when the offender doesn’t know about the system

  • ChaplnGrillSgt

    My hospital used to do this. Unfortunately no one read the damn sign so the stickers would just get stolen or scattered in the floor. We tried a lot of systems but nothing was reliable for us.

    I love the idea. Just wish my hospital could have found a way to make it work.

  • Historical_Comment79

    I wish this wasn’t posted on here. The whole point is that it’s a secret message that medical staff and women know about

  • Bigkyfan10

    This may be a stupid question but what happens if the Dr doesn’t need a urine sample? How are they suppose to discreetly ask for help?

  • tommasz

    Years ago one of my chickens tried to peck out a contact lens while I was distracted (seriously). My wife took me to the ER and once I got in to be examined they asked her to wait outside. Then they asked me point blank if she had harmed me. I carefully explained what had happened and once they believed me, we all had a good laugh. I was pleasantly surprised they didn’t automatically assume women can’t be abusers and men can’t be victims.

  • MyCollector

    When my wife was pregnant, I went to almost every doctor’s appointment with her. And without fail, the female nurse would always have me leave the room for 30 seconds to ask my wife if I was being abusive or hurting her in any way where she couldn’t say so in my presence. She would then say “get him back in there, that man adores me, but I understand many women aren’t so lucky.”

    I was fine with it. There are lots of women with horrific partners who have no way to get help.

  • Anxious_Piccolo9841

    Isn’t this meant to be a secret between the victim and the doctors? What is the benefit of having potential abusers know about this system? This post seems very counter productive.

  • imnotsoho

    I got a little sad reading this poster, then noticed that one of the blue dots had been pulled. Then the thought hit me that when they put up a new slip of blue dots they should always remove one so the first victim will know she is not alone. Pulling 3 of them might be even better.

  • senorbolsa

    I wonder if someone actually used the one or the person putting up the sign removed one to make someone more comfortable about doing it, kinda like leaving a few dollars in the tip jar.

  • _R_A_

    I wonder if the missing sticker was actually used by someone, or if it was purposely removed to make it less stressful for the person. Like, someone else has done this, so can I.

  • Fresh_Wrongdoer_8438

    Don’t these kinds of things become obvious if they’re are in all bathrooms? Like wouldn’t the abuser all see this and know what’s up?

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