Tuesday, April 16All That Matters

[OC] I’m a first time homeowner and finally fixed up my shitty lawn! (Still lots to do -_-)

[OC] I’m a first time homeowner and finally fixed up my shitty lawn! (Still lots to do -_-)

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  • an_ape_with_a_cape

    Looks neat! Just a little bit to think about : Lawn is pretty heavy on the nutrients it takes out of the soil, plus, it needs A LOT of water, if it get‘s really hot and sunny. Meaning : High upkeeping-costs and lots of care necessar.
    A third thing to consider : Lawn is nice, but doesn‘t do to much for biodiversity. I don‘t wanna lawn-shame you, nu uh, but, having single, bigger plants/smaller trees or even small portions of you yard just growing annual plants will help the soil keeping it‘s moisture, throw shade for other plants, provide new living-spaces for important „garden-helpers“ and if chosen correctly, can help you accumulate carbon in the ground, which your lawn profits from, without using fertilizer.
    Sorry for the long comment – just my two cents. You did an incredible job anyways and what you did to your yard is phenomenal!
    Keep it green, my dude!

  • unclefishbits

    It is so funny because where I live in California of the United States, a well manicured and green lawn means you don’t care about climate change, the drought, or Forest fires. Things have changed so quickly. I think most of us grew up thinking all this would be in the 2050s, but here we are.

  • No_Outlandishness408

    Now I get into arguments with my yard: everything’s going great then random dead patch “why do you hate me!”

  • StalwartFayna

    Congrats! Now you gotta work on adding in more wilderness plants and some plants like dandelions to help keep the health of the lawn and the insect ecosystem in your area. There are plenty of good plants to do thus while also keeping it look good too, just a matter of funding what is good for your local ecosystem.

  • gateguard64

    As a previous homeowner who redid his lawn, getting perfect grass was beyond my capabilities. I tried damn hard too. It wasn’t a chore though, loved being outside and working on the yard. Good luck to you!

  • RelaxPrime

    Fuck these lawn haters. Nice work. It’s a pain to get it nice but it’s a lot easier to maintain once you get it to that stage.

  • State_Dear

    It’s a very satisfying accomplishment,,, been there. Amazing what you can do with some fertilizer, water & a dose of lime

  • death_march

    I did the same thing to my first home and many claps for the amount of work it takes. Congrats to you good sir or lady.

  • itzbeast75

    One question how?? Lol I need to do the same my lawn is also pretty bad but I have no clue how to fix it. Any direction? Yours looks great now.

  • maple-syrup

    If you’re suggesting that the image on the right is your new, improved garden, I’d say “Where are all the threatened insects going to live now?”

  • kumarraj1

    My lawn went the other way – from the pic on the right to the one on the left. I simply decided that mowed weeds look just as nice as mowed grass…

  • LoveAndProse

    I’m sorry but lawns in the desert are just awful to me.

    I’m a no lawns guy as is, but in the Sonoran desert it’s just not smart to have grass.

    Edit: saw you’re going for deser-scape long term.

    Great call, you’ve clearly got a green thumb so I can’t wait to see your pics when this is updated.

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